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New Science Curriculum

4-6 PLC

April 4, 2023

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Let’s play a game!

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Within the Organizing Ideas for your grade

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

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Organizing Idea: Understandings of the physical world are deepened through investigating matter and energy.

LO: Students investigate the management of waste and dangerous materials and describe environmental impacts.

LO: Students investigate the particle model of matter in relation to the physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases.

LO: Students investigate and analyze how materials have the potential to be changed.

  • Responsible waste management (RRR)
  • Responsible use and disposal of materials
  • Particle model
  • Movement of particles
  • Materials in natural form can be used to create new materials
  • Matter changes when cooled or heated
  • Properties of solids, liquids and gases
  • Substances change state when melting, freezing and boiling
  • Water cycle
  • Reversible vs permanent change to materials

LO: Students investigate how particles of matter behave when heated or cooled and analyze effects on solids, liquids, and gases.

  • Speed and distance of particles
  • Tools that measure temperature
  • Expansion and contraction of matter

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • Common: States of matter- solid, liquid and gas
  • Background Knowledge: water cycle and the conservation of matter
  • Matter is very similar to Waste in Our World in Grade 4
  • Is there a budget for resources?

Grade 4

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • Responsible waste management from Gr 4
  • Responsible use and disposal of materials from Gr 4
  • Classroom Chemistry is a connection for matter from old gr 5
  • Some measurement concepts density volume

Will there be a budget for purchasing new resources?

Will there be time allotted to make units.

Grade 5

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • State of matter, properties of air
  • Grade 5’s this year studied chemistry, density, properties of solids, liquids and gases
  • Chemistry (Grade 5) would connect with new Grade 6- Matter
  • Some connections to a few concepts in Air & Aerodynamics unit
  • Can we have resources please?
  • Will a budget be provided for resources for the new science curriculum?

Grade 6

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Organizing Idea: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating matter and energy.

LO: Students investigate how forces can act on objects without contact.

LO1: Students investigate and compare how forces affect living things and objects in water and air.

LO: Students investigate and explain how forces affect the movement of objects.

  • Non-contact forces
  • Magnet interactions
  • Humans rely on energy resources to fulfill energy needs
  • How forces affect properties and movement of objects
  • Simple machines ccn change strength and direction of forces

LO1: Students analyze forces and relate them to interactions between objects.

LO2: Students investigate energy resources and explain factors that influence their use.

LO2: Students investigate and analyze various energy resources.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources
  • Energy sources in daily lives
  • Flight of living things and objects is influenced by opposing forces
  • Relationships between buoyant forces and gravity
  • Forces can change the shape, size or position of objects
  • Changes in an object's shape depends on its properties
  • Newton's Third Law

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Common Themes: force - how force affects objects, learning different kinds of forces

Background Knowledge Needed: knowing directions (left, right, N, S, W, E, up, down, forward, backward, etc)

Connections between current and new curriculum: How simple machines help overcome gravity

Questions: What resources are available from division and how are they repackaged to suit the needs of the new grade levels ? The support in French availability.

Grade 4

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Common theme: Force

Background knowledge: directions - horizontal, vertical

Connections: liquids and gases, building according to parameters, properties of water

Renewable and non renewable resources

Questions: Are there resources available for next year that will be purchased by our school division? Support?

Grade 5

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Grade 6

  • How forces affect the movement of different objects in our world.
  • There will be large gaps in grade 6 understanding coming into this section of the curriculum as most of this information is coming down from grade 7 about how forces affect construction and materials.
  • Much of this curriculum is coming down from grade 7 in energy.
  • How do we summatively assess outcomes related to more discussion based learning (Potentially more research project based?)
  • Understanding of force in different dimension.

Difference between plasticity and elasticity.

  • Knowledge of G. 7-8 science

  • Newton’s third law

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Earth Systems

Organizing Idea: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.

LO: Students investigate the systems of Earth and reflect on how their interconnections sustain life.

LO: Students analyze climate and connect it to weather conditions and agricultural practices.

LO: Students analyze changes in Earth’s surface and explain how its layers hold stories of the past.

  • How Earth systems interact with one another
  • Earth’s surface is warmed by the Sun.
  • Caring for water sources
  • Earth’s systems are interconnected
  • Earth’s systems include natural resources
  • What are traditional methods of conservation
  • Study of climates to identify historical patterns to make predictions
  • Measuring weather conditions
  • How climate affects humans and animals
  • How climate and weather influence agriculture practices
  • Looking at past experiences (observations) shared across generations to distinguish patterns
  • Earth’s surface changes over time
  • FNMI relationship to the land
  • Water and wind shape Earth’s surface
  • Plants, humans and other animal activities can cause changes to Earth’s surface
  • Earth surface layers
  • Soil is a continually changing upper layer of Earth's surface

LO: Students investigate climate, changes in climate, and the impact of climate change on Earth.

  • Complex interactions between the humans and the Earth can impact climate and climate change.
  • Climate changes over time
  • Using observations and measurements to identify changes in climate
  • Collaborating to understand effects of weather.

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Earth Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Common Themes: connections and interactions with the earth, interconnection between humans and animals and the environment, conservation (how to treat the earth better), reflecting on the past (time), resources

Background knowledge: What earth systems are, temperature, the impact plants, animals on humans have on the earth, FNMI relationship to the land

Connections between current and new: Conservation, natural resources (current social curriculum), caring for water sources, natural waste cycle, sun (light and shadow),


Grade 4

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Earth Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Time is a common concept (learning over time, past, thinking of future)

Connections with the land

Interactions between humans and animals and land

They will need to know about climate vs weather, what are agricultural practices, instruments to measure weather, there is a lot of agriculture information!

The weather tools are similar to old curriculum material

What kinds of hands on activities can teachers use to make this more engaging?

Building and measuring weather tools is there…

Grade 5

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Earth Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Earth changes over time

Reflecting on the past - how to improve

Interactions between humans, animals and land

Climate and weather

What can we do for hands on?

Grade 6

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Living Systems

Organizing Idea: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.

LO: Students analyze organisms and relate external structures to functions.

LO: Students investigate the internal systems of organisms and explain how they support vital biological processes.

LO: Students analyze and describe how plants and animals interact with each other and within environments.

  • External structures that support organisms on Earth
  • Organisms sense and respond to their environments
  • Humans are complex organisms
  • Plants are complex organisms
  • Plant and animal food chains
  • Classifications of animals
  • Plants and animals sense and respond to stimuli in order to survive
  • Protection of plants and animals

LO: Students investigate the characteristics and components of and interactions within ecosystems.

  • Components and characteristics of an ecosystem,
  • Photosynthesis
  • Relationships between plants and animals within ecosystems

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Living Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • Concepts on organisms are going from general to more specific.
  • Students would need to know about the characteristics of different environments.
  • Knowledge of plants is found in both curriculum.
  • Are we supposed to focus on specific organisms?
  • What does “local environment” mean? Province? Town? Community?

Grade 4

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Living Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Grade 5

  • Possible connection between wetlands life cycle of plants and animals??
  • Grade 4 - living organism classification and interactions with environment, grade 5 is more internal study of organisms, grade 6 is how living things interact with abiotic and ecosystems
  • Grade 4 - study of how plants respond to environment 7 stimuli, grade 5 study of plants parts grade 6 how plants interact with the environment

Questions: - How in depth are the study of each of the human body systems?

Resources for assessments?

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Living Systems

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

1. Common focus….life / relationships btw. organisms on Earth

2. Photosynthesis / Awareness of plants

3. An awareness of what an ecosystem is all about

4. Very few direct connections …we currently have ‘Trees/Forests’....

Grade 6

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Organizing Idea: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.

LO: Students investigate and describe objects in space in connection to daily life.

LO: Students investigate and interpret astronomical phenomena.

LO: Students analyze and represent celestial bodies of the solar system.

  • Observing objects in space to connect Earth to its place in the universe.
  • Using stars and constellations for navigation and tracking the passage of time
  • How cultures use observations of space, time and place in various ways.
  • Observations and interpretations of astronomical phenomena
  • Exploring the solar system to gain information about the Earth.
  • Space exploration helps to understand solar systems

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Common themes

All three grades use technology to explore space

We all discuss the moon and the sun

Starts in Grade 4 - no prior or connections to current curriculum is possible.

Grade 4

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Common Themes/Concepts: all three grades use technology to observe/explore space concepts, FNMI connections in grade 4 and 5, all three grades talk about the moon/sun in some capacity, connection regarding calendar and space in ⅘,

Background Knowledge: We may need to build knowledge on basic astrological concepts found within our solar system (sun, moon, stars, planets and rotation patterns), vocabulary, tools for observation, and lunar calendars.

Connections to old Curriculum: grade 6 curriculum has been spread across grades 4-6 for space, grade 5 used to have the weather unit, FNMI connections from social curriculum


Grade 5

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  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Technologies to explore space; the sun (common theme/concept)

Very similar to present Sky Science unit

Background Knowledge: The new grade 6 outcomes are mostly stand alone concepts.


Grade 6

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Computer Science

Organizing Idea: Problem solving and scientific inquiry are developed through the knowledgeable application of creativity, design, and computational thinking.

LO: Students examine and apply design processes to meet needs.

LO: Students apply design processes when creating artifacts that can be used by a human or machine to address a need.

LO: Students investigate creativity and its relationship to computational thinking.

  • Designing artifacts that meet needs
  • Designs to meet humans and machine needs
  • Computational Thinking = problem solving process + creativity
  • Divergent thinking is creativity

LO: Students examine abstraction in relation to design and coding, and describe impacts of technologies.

  • Abstraction
  • Positive and negative impacts of computers, coding and technology

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Computer Science

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • Connection to the Matter unit: creating a plan to reduce waste.
    • Create/develop a new way to get rid of waste.
    • Then peers give feedback on possible problems with this plan. Students must troubleshoot these problems.
  • Connection to the Earth Systems unit: build a model - layers of the atmosphere and start with the four spheres
  • Connection to the Space unit: build a model
  • Connection to Living Systems: Research an animal. Create an animal adaptation.
  • Connection to the Energy unit: magnetic experiments
  • Attach scientific inquiry to all experiments and activities in the units
  • Looking at the grade below you would have to teach what an artifact is

Grade 4

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Computer Science

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

  • Connection to the Earth Systems Unit: Coding with Minecraft. Students would create a climate zone in the game and use coding. (Minecraft Education).
  • Google Slideshow to demonstrate understanding of concepts
  • Connection to Earth Systems Unit: Creating instruments to measure weather.

Grade 5

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Computer Science

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Grade 6

  • Connection to the Space unit: build a model, using technologies to explore the solar system,
  • Connection to the Energy unit: tension, compression, applies forces, etc.
  • Pre-knowledge of basic coding skills from grade 5

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Scientific Method

Organizing Idea: Investigation of the physical world is enhanced through the use of scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.

LO: Students investigate evidence and reflect on its role in science.

LO: Students investigate how evidence is gathered and explain the importance of ethics in science.

LO: Students relate investigation to building knowledge.

  • Collecting evidence to expand and adjust previous knowledge
  • Making conclusions using reliable and valid evidence
  • Investigation to understand phenomena
  • Validity and reliability of evidence
  • Evidence to make connections about the relationship between cause and effect
  • Clearly communicated evidence
  • Producing , handling and sharing evidence
  • Using previous knowledge in investigations to support or contradict knowledge

LO: Students investigate and describe the role of explanation in science.

  • How explanations are used to answer questions
  • Constructing scientific explanations
  • Explanations communicated in various ways
  • New evidence can change understanding and explanations

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Scientific Method

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Grade 4

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Scientific Method

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Grade 5

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Scientific Method

  • What common themes or concepts can you identify?
  • Looking at the grade below and knowing your science curriculum this year, what background knowledge might you need to teach before starting this unit?
  • Do you see connections that can be made between the current curriculum and the new curriculum?
  • What are some questions you might have?

Development of a hypothesis, analyzing a change in variables (types of variables) is a common theme.

Questions - related to FNMI explanations/content? Explanations communicated in various ways, what does that look like for assessment?

Grade 6

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Curiosity Cycle

What new insights or knowledge did you gain from today's session?

Did anything stand out to you today?


What specific topics would you like to explore further to deepen your understanding?

What are some questions you may have?


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Resources / PD

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RDPSD website

Gr. 4-6 coming soon!

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New Learn Alberta


Now includes True Flix!

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Making a Favourites list in New Learn Alberta

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Professional Development with ARPDC

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Professional Development

with CARC

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Review, Takeaways, and To Do’s

    • Share any insights you have gained from our deeper dive into the curriculum.
    • Feel free to complete the Trivia Game with your staff.
    • Share the additional resources available on the New Learn Alberta site.