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Open monographs: Benefits and Challenges

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UKRI Open Access Policy

“This policy applies to publications which need to acknowledge funding from UKRI or any of its councils. This includes funding from:

  • the research councils
  • Research England
  • Innovate UK.

It aims to ensure that findings from research funded by the public through UKRI can be freely accessed, used and built on.

The policy applies to:

  • peer-reviewed research articles submitted for publication on or after 1 April 2022
  • monographs, book chapters and edited collections published on or after 1 January 2024

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Why monographs?




Main “impact” in arts and humanities

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Open monographs �from 2019

  • Open access monographs CUP conference in October 2019
  • “Digital Science Report: The State of Open Monographs” – June 2019
  • “Diversifying readership through open access” – Springer Nature, Sept. 2020:

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Main benefits of open monographs





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Main challenges of open monographs

  • Costs
  • Infrastructure
  • It can reinforce the gap between universities with higher level and lower levels of funding
  • What is going to happen with non-UKRI research and independent scholars?
  • Different funding between STEM and HUM., Arts and Social Sciences

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Some things to consider…

  • In A+HUM., monographs are the “way to go” and they have a “slow burn” effect
  • Making previously published monographs subsequently open access (also digital archiving)
  • What takes priority… popular vs niche fields
  • e.g. Springer report: country names in title – more popular in that country
  • Hybrid models, such as view-only OA digital version

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From the OR case studies

Do you have open access publications?

“I tend to look at long-term projects and devote more energy to a larger outputs, which normally would be published as monographs. I don’t have that many journal articles that would qualify for open access. The monographs also have lots of images in them, which are subject to copyright.Cost of reproducing images

How will you disseminate this project?

“There is definitely going to be a monograph and open access articles. I have been thinking of writing publications that more publicly available, and not just scholarly. Another output that will happen as a result of my research project is that a blue plaque is going to be erected to one of the figures I have been working on.” - OA articles but not OA monographs

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Open access monographs pose a challenge to academics, publishers, universities, and funding bodies

They are important and a “way to go” in the future

But there needs to be a clear and good infrastructure before it is mandated and Arts and Humanities need more help (particularly now, with the slashing of A+Hum. Departments…)