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Stats in Chrome

Camillo Bruni / cbruni@chromium.org

Michael Lippautz / mlippautz@chromium.org

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Runtime Call Stats

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Enter the URL of the page you want to measure in the first tab. Do not load the page yet.

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Add a second tab and open


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Click on the Record button to prepare recording a trace. First choose Web developer and then select Edit categories.

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Make sure to select v8.runtime_stats from the list. Depending on how detailed your investigation is, you may select other categories.

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Press Record and switch back to the first tab and load the page. The fastest way is to use CTRL/CMD-1 to directly jump to the first tab and then press ENTER to accept the entered URL.

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Wait until your page has completed loading or the buffer is full, then Stop the recording.

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Look for a Renderer section that contains the webpage title from the recorded tab and a CrRendererMain section that contains some data on the right hand side.

Select the trace events/slices by pressing SHIFT and dragging. A table with all the selected slices appears at the bottom.

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Scroll to the top right of the table and click on the link next to Runtime call stats table.

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In the newly appeared view scroll to the bottom to see a detailed table of where V8 spends its time.

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By flipping open a category you can further drill down into the data.

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Heap Stats

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Follow Runtime Call Stats recording steps but make sure to select v8.gc_stats from the list.

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Follow the steps of Runtime Call Stats recording for selecting a slice.

Scroll to the top right of the table and click on the link next to V8 GC stats table.

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In the newly appeared view scroll to the bottom to see a detailed table of where V8 spends its memory.

Each isolate gets its own stats for each sample.

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By flipping open a category you can further drill down into the data.