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Crypto Lottery

totally transparent lotto

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Existing lotteries

  • Are not transparent, so:
    • can just run-away with coins
    • or fix results in their favour
  • no build up or suspense
  • unfamiliar to general public
  • no divisions with different odds and prizes

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  • No licence reqd < £25,000 tickets sold per game (Setup as a small society lottery)

-Certain amount of money must go to a charity

  • Longer term offshore (e.g. Belize)�or need to be licenced by Gambling Commission (High Cost)
  • Need to bar IPs from America ETC (Illegal to take part in a lottery)

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Blockchain timeline

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Draw winning numbers

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team members

  • Joshua Parkin
  • Justin Maxwell
  • with Owain Medford and Eliran Zach

£2500 will allow me to

  • work on this all summer
  • buy the things I’ll need (e.g. Balsamiq, Sublime Text, ...)
  • contract a developer for a few hours if needed
  • get some professional regulatory advice