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Google Sheets

Google Slides Google Classroom

And the evil

Copy and Paste

Google I/O Extended

GDG-NYC 26 May 2016

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Who am I?

Allen Firstenberg

Software Developer / Consultant

Google Developer Expert

Co-Author Designing and Developing for Google Glass



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What is the problem?

Right now, the best way we have to get data from one form to another is by using copy and paste.

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What is the solution?

Have the APIs do all the work!

Available today for Sheets soon for Classroom and Slides

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How do you do this?

{� "userEnteredValue": {� object(ExtendedValue)� },� "effectiveValue": {� object(ExtendedValue)� },� "formattedValue": string,� "userEnteredFormat": {� object(CellFormat)� },� "effectiveFormat": {� object(CellFormat)� },� "hyperlink": string,� "note": string,� "textFormatRuns": [� {� object(TextFormatRun)� }� ],� "dataValidation": {� object(DataValidationRule)� },� "pivotTable": {� object(PivotTable)� },�}

Methods to do batch updates on sheets or cells.

REST API with JSON, or language wrappers.

Nearly everything you can do from the mouse or keyboard you can do with one of these batch commands.

  • Set values and functions
  • Read set values or effective values
  • Copy cells (with references) and formatting
  • Insert embedded objects like charts
  • Set ranges
