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Project #5: Mimicking The Masters

AJS11_05 Aidan Guzman

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In May 5, 1952. Alex Webb was borned. Alex Webb started his photographer career in high school, he was interest in photography and he attended the apeiron workshops in Millerton, New York. At the workshop, he was introduced to Magnum photographers Bruce Davidson and Charles Harbutt.

Genre = Street Photo

with complex lighting

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Photos from Alex Webb (Born in 1952)

1. Can you identify the subject? People

which art element does it convey? Shape and Form

2. How is it lit? From the top

what type of light do you see? Hard light

3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? Top third

what composition do you see? Rule of thirds

4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?

ISO _100_, f/ _11_, _1/250__sec, __20____mm

5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Shadows of figures, indoor and outdoor

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Richard Avedon Born in (1923), Died (2004)

Richard Avedon was borned in May 15, 1923 in New York City. He began his photography career in 1944, he was working as an advertising photographer for a department store, he was quickly endorsed by Alexey Brodovitch, who was art director for the fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar.

Genre = Fashion

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Photos from Richard Avedon

1. Can you identify the subject? The women

which art element does it convey? Human Form

2. How is it lit? Frontal

what type of light do you see? Hard light

3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? Most of the picture is place in the center

what composition do you see? Background

4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?

ISO ___800__, f/ _16___, __1000____sec, __50____mm

5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Love and body figure

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Irving Penn (1917)-(2009)

Irving Penn was an American photographer who is famous for his photos. His career began 1943 with his first magazine for vogue on front cover. Irving Penn want to be a film director and producer. Penn attended the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art from 1934 to 1938.

Genre = Candids

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Photos by Irving Penn

1. Can you identify the subject? People/persons

which art element does it convey? Form

2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?

Hard light

3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? Corner

what composition do you see? Background

4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?

ISO _100____, f/ _32___, __1000____sec, __100____mm

5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Emotions, style or thinking

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what did you learn? Each Photograph have different meanings

what was easy or difficult when you mimicked the master's pictures. Finding a subject

To mimic.

which one was your favorite? Last one because the background have different types of art