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Unit 5 - Lesson 4

Lists Make

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To do: December 14

Pick up your Unit 4 Tests

  • Test corrections due tomorrow in your IN - for each problem missed:
    • Summarize the question
    • Show corrected work
    • Explain your misunderstanding

4th period

5th period

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Version A Version B

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1. Write code that prints the number of students in studentList using the command .length. Use console.log.�

2. Currently, the first student in the list is "Blenn" Write code that will replace the first student in the list with "Blen", the corrected spelling of her name.�

3. Currently, the last name in the list is "Westin". Replace the last name in the list with "Weston", the corrected spelling of his name.�

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1. Write code that prints the number of students in studentList using the command .length. Use console.log.�console.log(studentList.length);

2. Currently, the first student in the list is "Blenn" Write code that will replace the first student in the list with "Blen", the corrected spelling of her name.�studentList[0] = “Blen”; // change the first element in the list

3. Currently, the last name in the list is "Westun". Replace the last name in the list with "Weston", the corrected spelling of his name.�studentList[studentList.length - 1] = "Weston";

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Go over homework

  • Complete Code.org U5L03 bubbles 1-10
  • goFormative 05L03 Lists Practice

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Top Ten Songs app - U5L03 bubble 11

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Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Activity

Lists Make:

Reminder App

Do This:

  • Navigate to Lesson 4, Bubble 1 on Code Studio

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Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Activity

Do This:

  • Try using the app.
  • Add several reminders to the app.
  • Scroll through your reminders.


  • How many lists do you think are needed to make this app work?
  • What programming patterns with lists do you think you'll need to use?

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Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Activity

Do This: Open Activity Guide in Hub

The List Scrolling Pattern

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Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Activity

Lists Make:

Complete Reminder App in bubble 2

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Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Activity

Don't forget to check the rubric before hitting submit!

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  • Complete Code.org U5L03 bubble 11 - Top 10 song app
  • Complete U5L04 Activity Guide - Reminder App
  • Test corrections - in your IN - for each problem missed:
    • Summarize the question
    • Show corrected work
    • Explain your misunderstanding