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Afrocrowd @ Black Lunch Table


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  • Crowdsourced encyclopedia
    • Anyone can edit but there are several admin layers
  • 470 million unique searches a month
  • One of the largest reference sites globally
  • 4 million articles in English
  • 285 languages

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  • Notability

  • Conflict of Interest

  • Every action is stored

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Access Examples

  • English
    • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • Spanish
    • www.es.wikipedia.org
  • Yoruba
    • www.yo.wikipedia.org
  • Garifuna Incubator

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Articles lists

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Editing Wikipedia

  • User Profile
  • Sandbox
  • Creating article
    • Article Wizard
  • Model article
  • Stub
    • Val Jeanty

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Template widget

Sandbox exercise to show how to edit/cite

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Best practices

  • Turn notifications on

  • Change preferences

  • Practice more with the Wikipedia Adventure

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Evaluation/optin Form