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The Trojan war

Beware the bite of large wooden animals

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“Homer” Activity

  • Give me the range of possible scholarly dates for Homer’s life.
  • What are Homer’s two famous epics?
  • According to the article, what is the “greatest literary mystery?”
  • If Homer did not exist, how do scholars explain the origin of the Iliad and the Odyssey?
  • Why is it difficult for scholars to know when Homer was born?
  • How does “dialect” help scholars trying to answer questions about Homer’s life?
  • Why do some scholars believe that Homer was blind?
  • List some modern literature that has been influenced by Homer.

Use a summary graphic organizer to write a summary of the article. Be sure to include a topic sentence. Use headings in the article to help you uncover the important details about Homer.

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“The Trojan War” Questions

  • The Trojan War was fought between what two kingdoms? (p.1)
  • When do archaeologists believe the Trojan War occurred? (p.1)
  • According to legend, how did the Trojan War begin? (p.1)
  • List the two Greek kings and four Greek heroes named. (p.1)
  • What two epics were written by Homer? (p.2)
  • Who was the German archaeologist who discovered Troy in 1870? (p.2)
  • Fill in the blanks. Troy was first inhabited in the year ______ B.C. and abandoned in _____ A.D. (p.3)

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Bonus Activity

Use a summary graphic organizer to write a summary of the article. Be sure to include a topic sentence. Use headings in the article to help you uncover the important details about Homer.

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Historical Context

  • Historians believe that the Trojan War took place in the late Bronze Age around 1,180 BCE.

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Homer (review)

  • Author of The Iliad and The Odyssey

  • 1100 BCE - 750 BCE
    • Herodotus says 850 BCE
    • Did he even exist at all??
    • Was he blind??

  • Seven cities claim to be “The birthplace of Homer”

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Mycenaean Civilization

  • Mycenaean civilization in Greece

  • Mycenaeans were Bronze Age Greeks who farmed, fished, and traded around the Aegean Sea.

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Why did the Trojans and Mycenaeans fight?

Homer tells us that Paris (Trojan Prince) stole Helen, the wife of King Menelaus (Mycenaean).


Historians believe that there was a trade war going on between the cities of Troy and Mycenae.

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  • Heinrich Schliemann discovered the ruins of Troy in 1870.
  • He believed he had found “Priam’s Treasure”
    • Priam was the King of Troy during the Trojan War

  • Archaeological digs have uncovered ruins on the site from 3,000 BCE until 1350 CE
    • Many different layers of the city. Troy was rebuilt many times.
    • Troy 7a has burned walls and scattered skeletons (dated to 1180s BCE)

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Heinrich Schliemann Sophia wearing “Priam’s Treasure”

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Black Ships Before Troy (Iliad)

  • Black Ships Before Troy is an adaptations of The Iliad
    • Story is set during the Trojan War
  • The Iliad is EPIC poetry
  • Oral tradition
  • Written between 760 BCE - 710 BCE
    • (range determined by linguistic evidence)

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What is an Epic Poem?

An Epic Poem is a long, narrative poem.

  • Heroic deeds
  • Journey of a hero
    • Mental or physical
  • Wide cast of characters
  • Comes from the Greek word “epikos” meaning “long story”

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Why did people write Epics?

Epic poems were ideal in the ancient world


  • The oldest epics were memorized because they were composed before writing and reading were widespread.
  • The rhythm and meter of the epic poem made it easier to memorize.

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Why did people write Epics?

Oral tradition -- Ideas and history are communicated by word of mouth instead of books.

  • Poems sound pleasant when read or recited aloud
    • Examples: The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Beowulf

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