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Remediation 6.3


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Tools used in Biotechnology

Plasmids: small extra loops of DNA

Restriction enzymes: Cut DNA at specific places called recognition sites.

Form “sticky ends.”

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Making Recombinant DNA (DNA from two species

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Human Genome Project (HGP)

•Overall goal:

decipher the full set of genetic instructions in human DNA and determine where genes for traits are located in the DNA

Human DNA consists of 3 billion base pairs

Contain 20,000-25,000 genes

Approximately 3% of DNA contains the information to make proteins.

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Stem Cell Research

Definition: undifferentiated cells that could become any other cell.

Could be used to produce complex human tissues or replacement organs for people suffering from disease.

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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Often used to describe genetically altered food crops but could also refer to other non-food organisms.

TRANSGENIC organisms - Organisms with DNA from more than one species

Common Example in Food - Up to 90% of soybeans in the market have been genetically modified to be naturally resistant to an herbicide called, Round Up. This increased resistance to the herbicide allows farmers to use more Round Up to kill weeds.

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Video Questions

  • When we find a gene of interest, what is our next step?
  • What is recombinant DNA?
  • How can we eliminate the concerns of stem cell research?
  • What are some of the great potential outcomes of gene therapy?

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Practice Questions

  • What piece of bacteria do we use in biotechnology?
  • What do we use to cut DNA?
  • What type of biotechnology has the potential to reform lost limbs or organs?
  • What is gene therapy?