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Blood Donations:

A proposal-

Taiwan is currently facing a shortage of blood.

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Why do young people donate less often?
  • What is your idea to encourage them to donate more often?
  • How can blood donations be made more convenient to get more donations?


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Giving Blood = Giving Life!

To overcome Taiwan’s blood shortage, more young people need to be encouraged to give blood.

What are some changes that Taiwan can make that will motivate younger people to donate blood regularly?

Share your ideas!

  • Make a campaign, slogan, or plan to inform and encourage young people.
  • Create a gift or system to attract young donations. (It cannot be cash, but it can be a value up to $300nt)
  • Where can donation trucks be put to make it easier for young people?
  • What else can Taiwan offer or do to make donations seem worthwhile or interesting?