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District 71 “Find Your Voice” Campaign

Celebrating 100 years of Toastmasters

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Social Media Cards | UK North + Ireland

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Linkedin: Social Media Cards






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Social Media Card Instructions


Use the social media card to post your opinion on what “Finding Your Voice” means to you. Post across social media platforms using the hashtags #100YearsofToastmasters #District71 #FindYourVoice.�

Jump to:

Instructions on How To Edit Card

STEP #1: After navigating to the card you’d like to edit, move the overlaying image to the right to locate the image of a fellow district member underneath.�

STEP #2: Right-click the image and select “Change Picture” to upload your unique profile photo. Move the card graphic back to the top of the changed photo. Edit the copy so that it reflects you personal thoughts.�

STEP #3: How to Save the Image�

Microsoft: Screenshot the finished social media card you created using the the Snipping Tool. Using your “Snipping Tool” draw a box around your image and save the picture.��Mac: Press “Command-Shift-3 on your keyboard �and wait for the screenshot to render. When you locate

The image on your desktop, draw a box around your profile Picture, and then in the menu, go to Tools > Crop and save your new image. Use this new profile for LinkedIn and/or Facebook!


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Social Media Cards | Manchester

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Add your thoughts on the impact

Toastmasters has had on your life

or its influence

Interested in learning more?https://www.toastmasters.org/find-a-club

#100yearsoftoastmasters #district71 #findyourvoice

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Social Media Cards | Edinburgh

5 of 9

Add your thoughts on the impact

Toastmasters has had on your life

or its influence

Interested in learning more?https://www.toastmasters.org/find-a-club

#100yearsoftoastmasters #district71 #findyourvoice

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Social Media Cards | Birmingham

7 of 9

Add your thoughts on the impact

Toastmasters has had on your life

or its influence

Interested in learning more?https://www.toastmasters.org/find-a-club

#100yearsoftoastmasters #district71 #findyourvoice

7 of 8

Social Media Cards | Glasgow

8 of 9

Add your thoughts on the impact

Toastmasters has had on your life

or its influence

Interested in learning more?https://www.toastmasters.org/find-a-club

#100yearsoftoastmasters #district71 #findyourvoice

8 of 8

Social Media Cards | Dublin

8 of 9

Add your thoughts on the impact

Toastmasters has had on your life

or its influence

Interested in learning more?https://www.toastmasters.org/find-a-club

#100yearsoftoastmasters #district71 #findyourvoice