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Rising 6th Grade Accelerated Math Club

Welcome Future Community House Parents!

This presentation will be on Canvas and the CHMS Math Page


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The Club

  • Is open to rising 6th graders who will take math at Community House Middle
  • Helps provide exposure to higher level math concepts
  • Is free
  • Is not a guarantee for placement into accelerated math
  • Students will take a placement test at the end to determine if they should be placed in an accelerated Math Course above the Honors level the following year
  • Note: Our Honors Courses one level up are open access and do not require testing. (6th - Math 6 Honors)

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The Goal

  • Expose your students to a rigorous math curriculum
  • Provide accelerated math courses to students aligned with their needs
  • Ensure the proper math placement

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Why The Club

  • Capability vs what students have had exposure to
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Let students take the math that is academically appropriate for them

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Accelerated Math Options

  • Rising 6th graders
    • Math 7 Honors (7th/8th grade math)
    • Math 1 (High School Algebra 1 Course)
    • Math 6 Honors (This club is not needed for this option)

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About Math 7 Honors

  • If we have over 25 students, it will be taught by a 6th grade teacher in 6th grade
  • If we have over 35 students, it will be taught by a 6th grade teacher and a 7th grade teacher
  • Once they are on the Math 7 Honors path, they can get off by repeating it the following year
  • Will likely take Math 1 as a 7th grader

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About Math 1

  • If we have over 25 students, it will be taught by a 6th grade teacher in 6th grade
  • Always taught by a 7th grade teacher for 7th graders
  • This is a high school course.
  • Final Grade goes on transcript, but not a part of GPA
  • There is a Midterm (20% of Semester 1) and End of Course test (20% of the final grade)
  • Once they are on the Math 1 path, it is difficult to get off

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But wait? Does this mean my student will be taking 3-4 years of math in one year?

No. We realign the curriculum so your student receives the grade level math in conjunction with the honors or high school course.

It does mean, however, that the math is taught at a faster pace to allow for mini-lessons and grade level content to be built in.

Math 7 Honors follows the Math 7 Honors pacing and Math 1 follows the Math 1 pacing. The teacher will build in necessary 6th or 7th grade concepts throughout the course.

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Math Content Path for your Child - 6th Grade

6th Grade Math 1


Courses Covered


Math 6 & Math 1


Math 7 & Math 2


Math 8 & Math 3

6th Grade Math 7 Honors


Courses Covered


Math 6 and Math 7 Honors


Math 7 Geometry/Stats and Math 1


Math 8 Geometry and Math 2

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How do I determine if this is for my child?

There are two questions you should consider:

  • Is my child academically ready?
  • Is my child emotionally/maturity ready?

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Is my child academically ready?

  • Does your child consistently perform above the 90th percentile on MAP or EOGs?
  • Does your child consistently make As on math tests?
  • Does your child enjoy math and strive to learn more?
  • Does your child seem bored in math or complain that math is too easy?

If you answer yes to 3 out of 4, your child is academically ready to consider accelerated math placement.

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Is my child emotionally/maturity ready?

  • Does your child consistently turn in assignments on time?
  • Does your child enjoy being challenged by math class?
  • Does your child have appropriate time management?
  • Does your child know how to advocate for themselves?
  • Does your child want to try advanced math?

If you answer yes to 3 out of 5, your child could be emotionally/maturity ready for advanced math. Please be aware this decision is made by the family. Just because a student is academically ready does not mean they are emotionally/ maturity ready.

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If you’re still here, let’s review how the math club and accelerated math placement test work.

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  • 9-10 weeks of meeting
  • 5th Grade 7:15-8 pm on Tuesdays via Zoom starting Feb 6th (Link in the Canvas Course)
  • All lessons will also be on youtube and recorded

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Topics Covered

  • Equations w/ Variables on both sides
  • Literal Equations and Cross Products
  • Slope
  • Comparing Rates of Change
  • Slope Intercept Form
  • Comparing Lines
  • Monomial Power Rules
  • Functions and Function Notation

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We do not expect your child to learn and understand the ins and outs of these topics conceptually.

We are trying to glean how fast your child can pick up on new math concepts and apply them. They will cover all of these topics in depth in their accelerated math course.

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Math Path for your Child

6th Grade Math 1




Math 1


Math 2


Math 3





Or AP Calc AB


AP Stats/ AP Calc BC


CC or NCSSM / Stats

7th Grade Math 1




Math 1


Math 2


Math 3





Or AP Calc AB


AP Stats/ AP Calc BC

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  • Students arrive on time and leave on time
  • Asking questions to teacher and the student helpers and paying attention during the club
  • Do the extra practice at home ( 45 minute classes)

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What can/should you do with your child?

  • Talk with your child about whether or not they are interested in taking accelerated math above the honors level.
  • If you start the process, have frequent conversations with them about how they feel about the club. It is important that parents gauge their child’s emotional response to this process. If it is overwhelming or upsetting the child, remove them from the club and make sure they understand that this is extra and for fun. Remind them this is math they have never seen before that is very challenging.
  • Help them do the extra homework practice (These won’t be checked.)
  • Encourage them to reach out and ask questions when needed.
  • Reassure them this is for fun and to determine the BEST math placement, NOT to “get into Math 1.” Best Student Math Placement is the common goal.

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Accelerated Math Placement Test Info

  • Test Date: Sat April 13th in the morning
  • Currently planning for it to be in person on a computer
  • They can use a calculator
  • Approximately 25-30 questions

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Canvas Sign Up: https://forms.gle/7WJbTRBPYYdaxKKr9

Slide Deck Link: https://bit.ly/3KZCkYg