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CNCF TOC Meeting

May 15, 2018

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LF Antitrust Policy Notice

CNCF meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.

Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at CNCF meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.


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Meeting Logistics

  • Time: May 15 2018 8AM (PT)
  • https://zoom.us/j/263858603
  • Or Telephone:
    • Dial:
      • +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
      • +1 855 880 1246 (US Toll Free) or +1 877 369 0926 (US Toll Free)
    • Meeting ID: 263 858 603
    • International numbers: https://zoom.us/zoomconference


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TOC - Members Present Today

Note: TOC meetings require a quorum of two-thirds of the TOC total members to take a vote or make any decision. If a TOC meeting fails to meet the quorum requirement, discussions may proceed, however there shall be no voting or decisions.


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  • Standard Agenda
    • KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Highlights + Feedback!
    • Working Group Process
    • Community Presentation: CloudEvents/ServerlessWG + Helm
    • Community Backlog
    • Open Q&A


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KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2018 Highlights!


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Feedback: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2018

  • How did it go?
  • Were the intro/deepdives for projects appreciated?
  • What can we do better?


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RFC: Working Group Process

  • We need to formalize a process for proposing new Working Groups. We had a process but didn’t write it down and now that we have folks interested in proposing WGs, we need to formalize the process.
  • Just like project proposals: presentation + sponsor + vote
  • ChrisA will merge soon, thanks for feedback!


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CNCF Project Proposals: RFC DD

  • Call to action for TOC Contributors to help review proposals or upcoming project presentations:

  • Telepresence for Sandbox: https://github.com/cncf/toc/pull/112
    • TOC Sponsors: Alexis, Camille, ? (anyone else before we finalize)


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Brief History of Serverless WG & CloudEvents


Mar 2017

email to TOC kicks off discussion re: Serverless & CNCF

Jun 2017

TOC forms a Serverless WG for “investigation” (TOC Sponsor: Ken Owens)

Nov 2017

WG presents outputs & recommendations to TOC

  • Whitepaper : Define Serverless (vs FaaS, *aaS), Usecases, Common architecture
  • Landscape of community : Projects, Tools, Services
  • Recommendations : Education, CNCF serverless projects, areas of “harmonization”
    • Start with “eventing” - Approved by TOC
    • Possibly expand to Function signature, Function workflow, Runtime environments

Dec 2017

CloudEvents work begins

  • Based on “open-events” work initiated by Serverless

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CloudEvents Status

  • Weekly calls, averages ~30 people per call
  • Participation from 37 companies total, 15 regulars
  • Released Cloud Events spec v0.1 on Apr 20, 2018
    • Defines Event “envelope”
      • Common Event metadata
    • HTTP & JSON mappings
  • Considering next project


{ "cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1",� "eventType" : "com.example.someevent",� "eventTypeVersion" : "1.0",� "source" : "/mycontext",� "eventID" : "A234-1234-1234",� "eventTime" : "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",� "extensions" : {� "comExampleExtension" : "value"� },� "contentType" : "text/xml",� "data" : "<much wow=\"xml\"/>"�}

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Highlights & Challenges


  • Large cross-vendor team working collaboratively on spec (and moving fast)
  • Lots of coverage at KubeCon EU
    • Serverless...Not So FaaS” - Kelsey Hightower (video)
    • The Serverless and Event-Driven Future” - Austen Collins, Serverless (video)
      • Included a demo of 11 WG companies all receiving CloudEvents
    • theCUBE: Yaron Haviv, iguazio & Doug Davis, IBM (video)
  • In reviewing our milestones, may have achieved not only 0.1 but 0.2, 0.3, and maybe 0.4


  • Agreeing on a minimal set of required attributes (but doing pretty good)
  • Will have a common envelope but event specific data will still need event specific code


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Next Steps

  • Get to a 1.0 spec signed off by CloudEvents team
  • Increase number of vendors/OSS using in production
  • Proposal for CloudEvents to become a CNCF Sandbox project


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CloudEvents Sandbox Proposal

Additional information not already mentioned:

  • License: Apache v2.0
  • Governance: consensus driven w/voting rights based on attendance
  • Mailing list & Slack & Weekly Zoom & Issues & PRs
  • TOC sponsors? Ken & Brian
  • Why CNCF?
    • Created from CNCF’s WG, so our members share the goals of CN promotion, consumer choice, interop and portability
    • To ensure vendor neutrality, we need CNCF’s community’s input and participation


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Package Management For Kubernetes


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Helm and Sub-projects


Helm Project

https://github.com/kubernetes/helm (will move to helm org)�https://github.com/kubernetes-helm                                     

Helm Package Manager

Community Charts

(Packages by community)


(User Interface)


(Repository service)

Supporting Projects

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Helm History



Time for Helm 3

Near the end of 2017 discussion opened on the future of Helm and major changes to handle all we had learned in 2017


Helm Summit

February 2018 featured the first Helm Summit which was a 2 day conference focused solely on Helm. This was also the official kickoff of Helm 3


October 2015

Helm is started at Deis. Over the following 6 months it saw rapid development and growth.


Helm + Deployment Manager

In January 2016 work began to combine Kubernetes deployment manager and Helm into Kubernetes Helm

CNCF + Kubernetes

In March 2016 Kubernetes joins the CNCF

Helm 2

November 2016 brought the final release of Helm 2.

Helm Growth

Over the course of 2017 there was community growth along with 7 minor releases and numerous path releases

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Community Charts History



KubeCon EU 2017

When KubeCon EU began there were 67 charts available. That’s 2.5x growth in 4 months



December 2015

By the end of December there 7 community charts


KubeCon US 2016

When Helm 2 launched there were 27 community charts

At KubeCon US 2017

9 Months later, at KubeCon US, there were 143 charts.

KubeCon EU 2018

203 charts were available when KubeCon EU started. Growth has slowed because of scaling issues we are working on now

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Helm Community Contributions

    • Maintainers
      • Helm: 11 maintainers from 5 companies, 328 contributors
      • Community Charts: 11 maintainers from 8 companies, 800+ contributors
      • Chartmuseum, Monocular, and other sub-projects have more maintainers/companies

    • Organizations Who Have Contributed

Alibaba, Cisco, Google, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Pivotal, Samsung SDS, SAP, Red Hat, VMWare, AT&T, JFrog, SUSE, Tencent, Appscode, Bitnami, Codefresh, Mirantis, Sysdig, Adobe, Datadog, Getopts, Hootsuite, Nike, NBC Universal, Nokia, Ticketmaster, Zalando, and many more...


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Helm Community Statistics

    • Helm
      • Downloaded monthly by over 59,000 unique IPs from community distribution location (e.g., April 2018 say 59,050)
      • Additionally, thousands download from other locations (e.g., April 2018 saw 11,618 installs via MacOS Homebrew)
      • Slack stats: #helm-users has 4,459 members, #helm-dev has 919 members
    • Community Charts
      • Millions of monthly downloads. For example:
        • Charts were fetched (GET request) over 12 million times in April 2018.
        • Multiple tools, including vendor tools like Artifactory, downloaded them
        • Helm itself made up a majority of the overall downloads
      • Slack #charts has 1,025 members


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Helm and Kubernetes Apps Survey

    • 64% of survey respondents who shared the tools they are using said they were using Helm to manage apps on Kubernetes. Higher than any other tool.
    • More than 78% of respondents are using 3rd party software (including open source and proprietary). This can be distributed and depended on using Helm and charts.
    • More information on the survey can be found on the Kubernetes blog.


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Incubation Proposal

Additional information not already mentioned:

  • TOC Sponsor: Brian Grant
  • License: Apache v2.0
  • Governance: Steering committee (need help with this)
  • Why CNCF?
    • Support organizing conferences and events for Helm community (i.e., Helm Summit)
    • Help with governance as we grow the community
    • To ensure vendor neutrality, we need CNCF’s community’s input and participation
    • Hosting of chart infrastructure in a way that benefits the whole community


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Networking WG

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CNCF Networking WG Update

  • https://github.com/cncf/wg-networking
  • Slow Start
  • Support needed
  • Decisions
    • Network Services
    • Projects
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday May 22nd


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Project Review/Backlog

  • See spreadsheets!
    • Project priorities
    • Review backlog
    • → send suggestions to TOC list
  • Project graduation/incubation reviews


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WG Updates

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CNCF WG Updates


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Reference Architecture - Logical Arch


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Upcoming Events

  • Main CNCF Events:
    • Nov 14-15, 2018: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Shanghai
    • Dec 11-13, 2018: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Seattle
    • May 21-23, 2019: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona

    • Sponsorship info available!


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Upcoming Meetings

  • Next Meeting is June 5th
    • Community Presentation: Cortex
    • Working Group readouts: Storage (Quinton)
  • Meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of the month


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Open Q&A

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Thank You