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Please work with your partner to review the sample from “The Tell-Tale Heart” and note the following:

  • What makes the essay effective? In other words, what does the author do well?
  • What could be improved?

Next, work with your partner to revise either the second or third paragraph in the sample response. Your job is to do two things:

  • Revise the paragraph you selected to make it more effective and post your revision.
  • Explain how your revision improves the content of the response.

Your slide should include a description of what makes the essay effective, what could be improved, your revised paragraph, and your explanation.

Studying a Shared Sample

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Breakout Room 3: Williams, Harris, Toney

  • What makes the essay effective? In other words, what does the author do well?
  • In the first paragraph the student expresses their claim.
  • “The narrator not being sane though does not mean he isn’t reliable. I think the narrator of “The tell-tale heart” is reliable because he can retell details of what happened and doesn’t try to hide the truth in the end.”
  • The writer used evidence from the text to support their claim

  • What could be improved?
  • The writer stated their claim however it wasn’t perfectly clear throughout the essay.
  • Repeated some of the same ideas

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Breakout Room 3: Williams, Harris, Toney

Paragraph 2


Across the whole story the narrator gives lots of details about what happens. On page 65 it says, “Slowly, little by little, I listed the cloth, until a small, small light escaped from under it to fall upon – to fall upon that vulture eye!” That’s a lot of detail that shows he remembers.


In the story, The Tell Tale Heart, the narrator gives specific details about the murder of the old man. The author states on page 65, “Slowly, little by little, I listed the cloth, until a small, small light escaped from under it to fall upon – to fall upon that vulture eye!” This proves that he was not insane because he could remember those specific details.

Improved paragraph 2 using transitional words, clarity (not using pronouns), and specific details.

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Erika, Tanisha, Emma

Across the whole story Throughout the text, the narrator gives lots of details that proves his reliability. Take for instance, on page 65 he states, “Slowly, little by little, I lifted the cloth, until a small, small light escaped from under it to fall upon – to fall upon that vulture eye!” That’s a lot of detail that shows he remembers. This is one example that highlights that the narrator divulges information without disguising his actions. This instance is given at the start of his plan to kill the old man, welcoming readers to believe all his following details.

  • What makes the essay effective? In other words, what does the author do well?

The author was able to compose a glimmer of a counterargument. Although it was not necessary to include, the writer was able to interject a contrasting idea regarding the issue of “sanity”. The author was able to remain consistent in their position that the character was indeed reliable and selecting relevant evidence that is connected to the author’s claim.

  • What could be improved?

The student could improve this paragraph by developing the evidence about “lots of details”. This evidence could connect more strongly with their claim if they would only explain how the details prove he is a reliable narrator.

  • Explain how your revision improves the content of the response.

The revision improves the content of the response by revising the explanation of the selected evidence to be more relevant to the author’s claim. Although it wasn’t the most well-chosen evidence that could have been used, the addition of the final sentence connects back to the claim more effectively.

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Breakout room 1(Moore, Battle, Parker)

  • What makes the essay effective? In other words, what does the author do well?
  • The writer did a good job at hooking the reader in the opening paragraph and stamping their position in the final sentence of the first paragraph.
  • The writer provided well selected details to support the claim
  • The writer attempted an organizational structure that matched the requirements of an argumentative essay

  • What could be improved?
  • The student could have narrowed their text evidence to a paragraph versus a page (i.e. “on pg. 65 it says, slowly little by little….” upgrade to “on pg. 65, paragraph 4….”
  • While the thesis statement was clearly as stated at the end of the first paragraph, the author slightly missed the opportunity to stamp the counterargument in paragraph 3.
  • Suggestion: “Although some may argue that the narrator could have been untrustworthy, because he appeared insane; his mental state does not mean he will not tell the truth.”
  • The writer could have moved the statement “...and he ends up telling…” to the second paragraph to better support the claim for organizational and logical progression purposes

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