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Avengers: In The Darkest Hours

Tal Wolf

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Thanos: Finally. You brought me back to life Professor Arnim Zola. Now, all I need you to do is to create a league of assassins that nobody could stop. I have been waiting for thousands of years to obliterate this universe from it’s core and up to it’s bone.

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Arnim Zola: But sir. We have a technical problem. We create machinery for these Avengers, and I am just more than willing to destroy them all. It was 3 years ago when Stark became the supreme idol. Why did they not consider me then?

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Thanos: The Avengers are nothing more than a bunch of ants for me. If Galactus almost defeated them all by himself.. Then I guess that a supervillainous team with me in it would destroy them once and for all at last. When that happens, I shall become the most powerful embodiment in this weak, annoying universe.

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Arnim Zola: And how will you defeat them exactly?

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Thanos: I will find the infinity stones and in the meanwhile I shall send a division of supervillains.. I like to call The Black Order.

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Doctor Emmanuel Stardust: Sir. The Red Skull is ready for use. He wants.. to get his revenge on The Avengers as we expected.

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Arnim Zola: Good. Is there any resistance from The Red Skull?

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Doctor Emmanuel Stardust: There may be sir. After all, Shaw is a double crosser and an ex-Nazi militant, for the record.

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Arnim Zola: Alright then. Bring him out. I will convince him to join us if he needs a little push.

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Red Skull: So.. you have come to offer me some gadgets so I can destroy The Avengers and rule this world forever. Isn’t this so?

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Arnim Zola: Actually, Thanos is going to rule this world. But you still get to wipe out The Avengers and become Thanos’ greatest hero. Are you willing to do that?

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Red Skull: Yes. But if The Avengers are not mine, then I shall wipe that smile off your silly face you piece of Vermin flith.

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Arnim Zola: Haha.. sure. Okay..

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Arnim Zola: Oh. Baron Mordo. I.. Iv’e been expecting you to appear in this hologram mode. I have just released your first test subject and he is on his way to destroy The Avengers.

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Baron Mordo (hologram): I sense there is a little of ambition in you. You want to overthrow me so you can become Thanos’ second in command. Is that right?

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Arnim Zola: Well this is for Thanos to decide who is right and who is wrong after all. I am just here to give him a little push so that he won’t underestimate me. Regardless, the project will make him satisfied and he won’t have use of a guy like you anymore.

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Baron Mordo (hologram): I should hope so. For your sake.

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Baron Mordo: General Kang. It’s time you give your soldiers a little push on the back.

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General Kang: Oblivion militants!! It is time we wipe out each and every pathetic part of the universe which is not under Thanos’ order!! We will bring the apocalypse to life!! Can you all hear me?!! This is doom!!

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General Kang: Hail Thanos!! Our newborn king and our allmighty hero and lord!! Almighty Thanos the great!!

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All soldiers together: Hail Thanos!!

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General Kang: Attack The Avengers base at once!!

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Iron Man: Nick Fury. There is a massive alien attack coming to our S.H.I.E.L.D base. I think it is Thanos, the creator of Galactus. What shall we do?

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Nick Fury: I think we should take a rest. Thanos is too powerful and I cannot lose my life ever again.

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Iron Man: And what if I told you that Baron Mordo is now alive and well and he made with Thanos an alliance? Huh? The one that killed you, fool.

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Nick Fury: Alright. But I kill Mordo. You can kill the rest of them with The Avengers crew. Leave Mordo. He’s for me to handle.

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General Kang: Go find these idiots and obliterate this base with your blasters! It’s time we put an end to this game.

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Thanos: I should hope that this project is progressing as we discuss this issue. I really need to see The Avengers dying.

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Arnim Zola: Yes your highness. We have currently resurrected Grandmaster, Mysterio, Carnage and William Stryker under the identity of Annihilus. Soon enough you will be able to command them, sir.

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Thanos: It’s about time I wipe out this filth called Earth from the universe. I will destroy every trace of mankind and this will be the end of worlds.

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Thanos: Unfortunately, you are also just another human among them all.

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Arnim Zola: Ahmm, but Thanos..

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Arnim Zola: Auchhhh!!! Thanos?!! What are you doing?!!

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Thanos: The world needs it’s survivors. It’s true heroes, on the surface. And it seems to me that I am the only true hero here.

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Iron Man: Guys. There is an alien invasion right now. We need to fight Thanos before he destroys the universe.

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Spider-Man: See? I told you. Tony is a psycho. He is imagining things. Real psycho.

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Iron Man: Guys. I’m being serious right now. Someone has to take care of this alien invasion. Thanos is behind this and he created Galactus. He is the number one enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Destiny: The only invasion I’m taking care of is on Instagram, i mean, bruhh. Like 5 thousand people are invading my privacy.

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Doctor Strange: And what if Iron Man is right? Huh? We need to stand on our own feet and face any danger which is possible!! Because Thanos is one of the biggest threats which could ever be in existence!

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Psylocke: But how will we defeat him? He has an army of 10 million aliens and he commands The Black Order with an iron fist. His powers could wipe us out of existence, much like Galactus.

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Iron Man: I think that I have an idea. We need to become stronger than him. The more that we face our fear, the more that Thanos shall be afraid of us. That’s how it works my friends.

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Iron Man: Now go! I will handle the other aliens while you go track Thanos down and kill him.

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General Kang: Hello mortal scum!!

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Iron Man: Hello Chicken Little. It’s been a long time coming. Today, you are going down.

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General Kang: I don’t think so.

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General Kang: Do you still think I am not a challenge for you?

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Iron Man: I am just wondering how challenging you could be, if you wouldn’t have missed one single spot.

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General Kang: You give up Iron Man? As you know, Thanos is much more powerful than I am

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Iron Man: He is not as powerful as iron. And I.. am the Iron Man.

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Baron Mordo: Thanos has made his decisions. You two must kidnap Nick Fury. He was dead once so we can kill him again. Just remember. Leave The Iron Man for Thanos.

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Red Skull: And why shouldn’t I kill the Iron Man?

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Baron Mordo: Because if you do, my friend, Thanos shall destroy you just like he has recreated you. You are now Thanos’ puppet. You should get used to the idea.

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Baron Mordo: Annihilus. Watch over that Red Skull and kill him if he dares to defy the order of Thanos not to kill The Iron Man.

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Anihilus: Yes sir. But what about my weapon?

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Baron Mordo: Soon enough, you shall use your weapon indeed.

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Baron Mordo: I bow down to the supreme ruler of all titans and orcish brutes, the allmighty.. Thanos.

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Thanos: I sense in you that you are going to be the perfect tool for a while. You don’t know how long I have waited to rule this universe and squash The Avengers like a pile of ants..

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Baron Mordo: But sir. Why do you need so many soldiers. I mean, the Avengers are weaker than I thought.

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Thanos: It’s because, I want them to feel that pain of a thousand knives in the head. That is, the blood of war. I feel a great victory coming on it’s way.

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Baron Mordo: Yes, our allmighty lord of titans. And by the way, Stryker’s weapon is ready for use, sir.

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Thanos: Good. I sense this weapon is going to destroy all lives in this universe. What is it going to unleash upon this galaxy of fools?

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Baron Mordo: Stryker said that this weapon is generated by a thousand batteries and it shall cause a massive beam of laser to hit the core of this universe, as he finds the right location.

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Thanos: Good. Tell Annihilus to hurry.

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Baron Mordo: Yes, my lord. With pleasure.

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Red Skull: Well well. Look who we have here. The daughter of the famous WWII survivor Charles Xavier. Well, such a petty to see you dying right here. I took care of him for General Ludendorff inside his camp.

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Psylocke: You're a monster.

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Red Skull: Maybe I am a monster. But that was the only way for our country to survive the war!!

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Iron Man: What? How could you possibly be back?!

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Grandmaster: Thanos revived the four of us. Me, Mysterio, Red Skull and Stryker who is now in the form of Annihilus. Soon enough, Thanos shall rule this universe and the people of this planet shall get what they've deserved. All of them.

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Iron Man: I can survive any explosion. Now go away and leave S.H.I.E.L.D alone dude.

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Grandmaster: I’m pretty amazed. You really have got talent in you. But hey. What is an Iron Man without iron?

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Iron Man: What?

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Mysterio: I think this goat is pretty worth a meal for Thanos. Isn’t he?

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Grandmaster: Just remember. Thanos asked you to transform him back to the Iron Man just as soon as we get to his throne room.

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Mysterio: I’m on it.

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Nick Fury: Where am I?

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Annihilus: Welcome to my new base. Just to make sure that you remember me, I used to be a commander in the US military. They called me, Commander William Stryker.

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Nick Fury: So that’s what it’s all about? To end the mutant kind?

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Annihilus: No! As you see, there is a universe which should be fixed by that Thanos guy. Millions will be killed. Not only mutants. Because as you see, I am not a human anymore so who do I have to protect?

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Nick Fury: After I defeat you, you will go to hell!! You hear me?!!

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Alien Soldier: Commander Annihilus. The weapon is ready to strike Pluto.

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Annihilus: Fire at will.

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Annihilus: Now, the next target is Earth and you have a choice. Right now, you could either surrender yourself to Thanos and save the planet so he could have the power of creating human life, or you could watch Earth fall apart.

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Nick Fury: I would rather die knowing that I’m a true hero than live and be Thanos’ fool.

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Annihilus: Alright then. Earth is about to be destroyed within 5 minutes.

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Baron Mordo: Sir. The Iron Man is here for you to handle him. May you strike him with your worst attack your highness.

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Thanos: Actually, I have a better idea for The Iron Man.

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Thanos: My dear Iron Man. You have come a long way since the beginning of your journey. What you haven’t noticed is that your’e iron suit was created by a material called Dyno. I control Dyno. Which means that you cannot resist me for much longer.

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Iron Man: I will strike you with all my powers. I do not believe a word you say.

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Iron Man: Why isn’t my power working? What have you done, Thanos?

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Thanos: The dyno powers only work as I command them to work; Otherwise, everytime you try and destroy me, you get weaker and weaker.

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Thanos: Join me and together we shall rule this universe. With you as my vesel, I can reshape the human world under my own image.

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Iron Man: Never. I will never join you. You may use all your powers in order to kill me. I shall never be on your side.

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Thanos: You wanna try me? I will show you how your friends die, and therefore the human race shall near extinction.

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Psylocke: Alright. So the plan is like this. I will invade Stryker’s mothership with Doctor Strange. You two, Spiderman and Destiny shall go find the Iron Man. Am I clear?

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Psylocke: I am going to use all of my powers so that I could obliterate this room and therefore this spaceship shall be destroyed. Thanos shall never win.

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Doctor Strange: Are you sure you want to do this all by yourself? After all, we really don’t want you to die. The Avengers need you my friend.

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Psylocke: I know. That is why I need to do this thing and sacrifice my own life. It is for the world and for The Avengers to survive in the darkest hours. Go and kill whoever comes in our way to glory. I shall handle this ship by myself.

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Alien Soldier: Commander! There has been a breach in our network. Someone has invaded our technology and therefore he is able to destroy our entire ship. Foil Thanos’ plan.

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Annihilus: Tell my soldiers to keep loading the weapon so it could strike upon Earth. I will take care of that invader, personally.

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Thanos: I sense that my plan is failing. That means I will just have to kill you, Tony Stark.

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Iron Man: Maybe that. But I have control over my power now. It was a technical error in my system. Now, prepare for a real doomsday, Thanos!!

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Mysterio: What about our last member of The Black Order? Carnage is supposed to be here somewhere. Isn’t he?

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Carnage: There is no Black Order anymore. From now on, it will be called, The Sinister League. Once I shall obtain the three infinite stones of Thanos, I shall rule this universe!! Huhahahahaha!!!

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Spider-Man: Well, I guess that Nick Fury is dead again. That means, someone has to take care of The Avengers and become the new leader.

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Destiny: Strange. You're on it. All we have to do now is to worry about a far bigger threat. One that calls himself, Carnage.

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Doctor Strange: Relax. We all know that there is nothing as powerful as Thanos, my friends.

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Spider-Man: Nope. There is nothing more powerful than.. The Avengers.

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