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Skill: Accepting Compliments

How Do I Handle a Compliment?

Today, we'll talk about how to handle it politely when somebody gives you a compliment.

Grades: 4-5

Benchmark(s): 4-5.RS.1.4

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How would you react if this happened to you? Do you think the people in the video handle it well? Why or why not?

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👍 You show people that you are a kind person who deserves praise.

👍 People will give you more compliments because they know you appreciate them.

👍 The person who said something nice about you will feel good.

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Pretend you need to teach someone else how to politely accept compliments.

What would you tell them to do or not to do?

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

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Step 1: Look at the person who gave you a compliment.

This is polite.

It shows that you care about what they're saying.

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Step 2: Use a friendly voice.

Try to avoid giggling or laughing because this could make the person think you're not taking their compliment seriously.

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Step 3: Say, "Thank you."

This is the polite thing to do when somebody does something nice for you.

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Step 4: Don't act too proud.

Words like "Yeah, I am the best!" or "Yeah, I did a lot better than Sarah." can hurt people's feelings.

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

After Tia reads aloud for the class, her teacher says "Great work!" and tells Tia what a strong reader she is.

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

Brandon helps his friend, Rachel, with something she's writing for class. Rachel tells Brandon what a great writer he is and says that she could never write that well.

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

During art class, the teacher picks up Emma’s drawing and shows it to the class. She talks about how wonderful it is.

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

After a very noisy and disruptive class, Cole’s teacher kneels next to him and tells him how much she appreciates what a good role model Cole is for the other students.

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  • Look at the person who gave you a compliment.
  • Use a friendly voice.
  • Say, "Thank you."
  • Don't act too proud.

Molly invites a friend, Kyra, over for dinner with her family. When Kyra gets to Molly’s house, she keeps making comments about how nice it is and how much nicer it is than her house.

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