1 of 71

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3 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 1

4 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

5 of 71

Lesson 1. Identify and illustrate safe and unsafe situations

6 of 71

Identify: to know and say who someone is or what something is.

Which is bigger? Identify which is bigger?

7 of 71

We are taking turns and keeping our friends safe.

Safe: to stay away from harm, risk, or hurt

I wash my hands to keep myself and others safe.

8 of 71

Unsafe: not safe; to cause harm or hurt

I am not using gentle hands. I am not helping keep my friends safe.

I am not paying attention to my surroundings. I am not keeping myself and others safe.

9 of 71

Situations: what is happening at that time.

This is a scary situation. The older student is not being kind.

This is a helpful situation.

She is giving him a block that he needs.

This is a polite situation. She is saying I am sorry for her mistake.

10 of 71

1. Identify and illustrate safe and unsafe situations

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Lesson 1

Lesson 2

12 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

13 of 71

Lesson 2. Understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in school.

Digital Sort

14 of 71

Appropriate: good choices

What other appropriate choices can you make today?

15 of 71

Inappropriate: bad choices

Why is this inappropriate?

Is this inappropriate?

16 of 71

Lesson 2. Understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in school.


17 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 3

18 of 71

Lesson 3. Understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in school.

Independent Worksheet

19 of 71

Appropriate: good choices

What other appropriate choices can you make today?

20 of 71

Inappropriate: bad choices

Why is this inappropriate?

Is this inappropriate?

21 of 71

Lesson 3. Understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in school.

22 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 4

23 of 71

Lesson 4. Understand the consequences and rewards that exist based upon my actions.

24 of 71

Consequences: an effect of a good or bad action.

This student is waiting to go into the principal's office. Do you think he will get a good or bad consequence?

25 of 71

Rewards: something given to recognize your good choice, effort, or goal reached.

Which is your favorite reward? What other rewards have you received?


Lunch with teacher

Treasure box

A good note from a teacher

26 of 71

Actions: what you do.

What are some of the actions that you see in the picture? What actions have you made today?

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Lesson 4. Understand the consequences and rewards that exist based upon my actions.

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Lesson 1

Lesson 5

29 of 71

Lesson 5. Identify steps necessary to accomplish personal responsibilities at home and at school.

30 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

31 of 71

Identify: to know and say who someone is or what something is.

Which is bigger? Identify which is bigger?

32 of 71

Accomplish: to complete

Carlos works hard at everything he does.

Carlos completes each task.

Hard work and focus = task completed

33 of 71

Responsibilities: something that you are required to do.

A classroom job is a great example of a responsibility.

34 of 71

Lesson 5. Identify steps necessary to accomplish personal responsibilities at home and at school.

35 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 6

36 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

37 of 71

Lesson 6. Identify problem, desired outcomes and potential solutions to a problem

38 of 71

Problem: a difficult situation

Problem: I was playing baseball in the HOUSE...

39 of 71

Outcome: the way a situation turns out; a consequence.

I broke the vase and now the outcome is that I must clean up the mess.

40 of 71

Solution: An answer to a problem

Solution: I will apologize for my mistake and commit to not playing baseball indoors.

41 of 71

Lesson 6. Identify problem, desired outcomes and potential solutions to a problem

42 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 7

43 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

44 of 71

Lesson 7. Identify problem, desired outcomes and potential solutions to a problem

45 of 71

Problem: a difficult situation

Problem: I was playing baseball in the HOUSE...

46 of 71

Outcome: the way a situation turns out; a consequence.

I broke the vase and now the outcome is that I must clean up the mess.

47 of 71

Solution: An answer to a problem

Solution: I will apologize for my mistake and commit to not playing baseball indoors.

48 of 71

Lesson 7. Identify problem, desired outcomes and potential solutions to a problem

49 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 8

50 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

51 of 71

Lesson 8. Put the solution into action

52 of 71

Solution: An answer to a problem

Solution: I will apologize for my mistake and commit to not playing baseball indoors.

53 of 71

Actions: what you do.

What are some of the actions that you see in the picture? What actions have made today?

54 of 71

Lesson 8. Put the solution into action

55 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 9

56 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

57 of 71

Lesson 9. Reflect on the outcome of the solution.

58 of 71

Reflect: to think about

59 of 71

Outcome: the way a situation turns out; a consequence.

I broke the vase and now the outcome is that I must clean up the mess.

60 of 71

Solution: An answer to a problem

Solution: I will apologize for my mistake and commit to not playing baseball indoors.

61 of 71

Lesson 9. Reflect on the outcome of the solution.

62 of 71

Lesson 1

Lesson 10

63 of 71

Decisions: a choice that earns a consequence either positive or negative

She is making a decision to not sneeze into her elbow. What could the consequence of this action be?

They are making a decision to share. What do you think the consequence would be?

64 of 71

Lesson 10. Identify and demonstrate the ability to

make responsible choices.

65 of 71

Identify: to know and say who someone is or what something is.

Which is bigger? Identify which is bigger?

66 of 71

Demonstrate: to show clearly

The teacher shows the students how to do their work.

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Ability: power to do something

These students have the ability to play their favorite sports.

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Responsible: taking control of your actions or decisions

I am being responsible by taking care of my belongings. I can make my bed.

I am being responsible by raising my hand and waiting my turn.

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Choices: the act of picking between two or more possibilities

You have a choice which classroom job would you choose?

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Lesson 10. Identify and demonstrate the ability to

make responsible choices.

71 of 71
