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Classroom Rules & Expectations

8th Grade Science

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In the science classroom, we operate on a simple set of five rules:

1. Be on time, on task and prepared to learn EVERY DAY. #behere #setgoals

�2. Respect the classroom, the teacher, other students and yourself. #berespectful

�3. Be responsible for your own learning. #setgoals #behonest

�4. Clean up after yourself and your peers. #besafe #behonest

�5. Keep all personal electronics put away. #letgoandmoveon #behere

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Come to Class ON TIME (#behere #setgoals):

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Come to class PREPARED

(#behere #setgoals):

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Sit down and begin the Do Now when you enter class (#behere):

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No electronic devices

(#behere #letgomoveon):

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Come with a positive attitude (as best as you can!):

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Do your best

(#setgoals #behonest):

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Raise your hand (#berespectful):

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Think for yourself

(#behere #setgoals):

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Bonus points for students who can find the typo! (This is what happens when you use the internet!)

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Put your NAME on assignments:

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Keep the room/lab clean (#besafe #behonest):

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MANAGE your time (#setgoals):

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3 things i wished my teacher knew...

Ms. Alexander:

  • I’m outgoing and like to participate, but I often like others to take the lead when working in a group.
  • I get stressed out pretty easily, especially after an absence and don’t like feeling like I’m falling behind on things.
  • Playing sports/being on a team was a big part of my identity and sometimes I feel a little lost out of season.

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YOur Turn:

(up to) 3 things i wish my teacher knew...

  • On your index card, on the front (lined side), please provide the following information:
    • Your first and last name
    • Your science period
    • Your homeroom teacher
    • How to phonetically pronounce your first and last names (don’t worry, we’ll talk about this…)
  • On the back of your index card, please write down up to 3 things you wish that your teacher knew. This information will stay private between you and your teacher, but can be very helpful for a successful school year!

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Class of 2017’s advice

-Do your homework

-Fill out the labs to best of ability

-Be respectful to teachers

-Go to activity nights

-Penguins - door, make it so penguin get go through

-Don’t sweat the little things - let go, move on

-Take notes, they help you study

-Actually study

-Know when the periods end

-Get to know your classmates

-Pick someone that you will work well with

-Be nice to peers and teachers

-Be here on review days - they help

-Do you study guides so you can play review game

-There’s not as much work as you think

-Turn in your work

-Turn in permission slips early

-Beware of the drama!

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Class of 2017’s advice

-Be prepared

-Think of the effects of your actions

-Chill out, it’s only a routine - you’ll get used to it

-Enjoy your classes

-Don’t get aggravated by others...let it go

-Trips - enjoy the trip with friends, instead of signficant other

-Don’t put off studying/work until last minute

-You will need a lot of notebook paper

-Only study if you need to, everyone is different

-Notebook checks are actually real

-Keep track of when assignments are due

-Actually talk to your teachers they sometimes give good advice

-One notebook for each subject if they tell you

-In band 1. Practice; 2. Make sure you have your binder; don’t skip band final

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Class of 2017’s advice

-it’s ok to have mental breaks

-use the online study guides, they help

-cut toxic people out of your life

-keep an organized notebook

-don’t care so much about other’s opinions

-take things slowly - the year goes quickly

-try not to bend to peer pressure

-if you’re playing a sport, be sure to take a flex class

-if you make the teacher’s life easy, your year will be easier

-get involved in activities/be sure to volunteer

-try not to judge others too harshly

-be careful of first impressions

-give people second chances

-don’t kiss and tell

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Class of 2017’s advice

Treat everything as if it’s being graded

Buy deodorant

Don’t try to be funny to try and get a reaction out of someone

Think before you speak

Don’t procrastinate

Use worksheets and websites

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Some advice from the class of 2016:

Don’t talk when teachers are talking

Don’t talk back to teachers

****Do your homework - it adds up

Actually study - tests are hard

Look up videos to help you understand

Following lab directions = more fun

****Pick good groups that will actually help you on projects

**Keep your notes from the whole year

Don’t throw away anything a teacher gives you

**Stay organized - lots of worksheets and papers - keep organized

Write a lot on lab conclusions

When you see someone else doing something or saying something, you will be the one that gets spoken to

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Some advice from the class of 2016:

Use science vocabulary

Be nice to people

Always take notes - no matter what; don’t lose them

Always make up the stuff that you miss

Sit behind the smart kid

Never try to make an excuse to get out of homework - know the difference between an excuse and a reason

Don’t be late - be on time

Make sure to know the material and subject matter BEFORE the test

Write down the homework instead of trying to remember it

Always bring study guides for review games

Try to keep locker organized - don’t leave food in there, it will rot

Be sure to email if you have technical difficulties

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Some advice from the class of 2016:

Be respectful, teachers are ok, but don’t get on his/her bad side

Try your hardest - especially in science

Labs are good, but be patient

Don’t overcomplicate stuff

Don’t stress too much over tests

**Don’t be afraid to ask questions

HW helps if you do it - it helps you to understand the material

Don’t wait to the last minute - especially Classroom assignments due 11:59

Don’t be too mature - balance between maturity and goofiness

Use your common sense

Add a lot of detail to answers

Check over tests/quizzes

Use study guides to study

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Some advice from the class of 2016:

Treat everything as if it’s being graded

Buy deodorant

Don’t try to be funny to try and get a reaction out of someone

Think before you speak

Don’t procrastinate

Use worksheets and websites