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Plumberow Post


Sports for Champions

Please hand your sponsor forms and money into the office by Thursday 21st March. Many thanks for your support with this event. We hope to raise money for whole school projects.

Values Assembly

Every week, we celebrate children who uphold our Values. This week, the following children were rewarded:

  • Foundation Stage - Isabella F, David P, Tyler H, Emily L, Dylan C & Kyla H
  • Year 1 - Kellan, Callie, Henry T, Daisy R, Jack B & Bella
  • Year 2 - Henley, Tilly, Isla D, Stanley, Lucca & Riley
  • Year 3 - Harry L, Alia J, Theo W, Sidney, Alex F & Anna
  • Year 4 - Roxibelle, Oliver P, Joe E, Alfie L, Savannah, Louisa & William L
  • Year 5 - Oliver H, Lily J, Owen E, Albi C, Archie O & Josh S
  • Year 6 - Jayden, Sam K, Paris, Harry T, Ella T, Harley & Alana


We have had calls from very irate residents this week, who have been prevented from parking on their own drives due to inconsiderate parking. We are increasingly concerned about the children’s safety as they walk to and from school. Please consider the residents and children when parking.

Ofsted Report

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Upcoming Dates

The year’s diary dates can be found on our website.

Maths Focus

Topic Updates




Year 5 Bikeability sessions

Football - Parish Cup game


Diving Talent


Red Nose Day - dress in red and wacky hair day.


Class photos

Year Group



Place value, finding tens and ones and ordering numbers.


Arithmetic - all 4 operations and their methods




Data handling


Fractions, percentages and decimals


Ratio and proportion and interpreting data

Year 1

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Year 4

The Rainforest

Year 2


Year 5

Viking Myths and Legends

Year 3

Ancient Greece

Year 6

The Wild West

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Diving talent search

On the 13th March, the diving talent team from Southend Swimming and Diving are visiting our school in search of the diving stars of the future. They would like to invite any children in Years 2, 3 & 4, who attend gymnastics or dance classes, to come along to a brief session to promote diving as a sport they may wish to take part in. If you would like your child to take part in this session, please inform the office.

Jelly Beans Update

This week at Jelly Beans we have been taking part in Ready Steady Listen with Usborne books to celebrate World Book Day. All the children have been sponsored for time they spend listening to stories. In class we have created a board of our favourite books and enjoyed some great stories like ‘The Gruffalo’, ‘Muddypaws’, ‘I’m not Cute’ and many more. We also all enjoyed some yummy pancakes topped with lemon or strawberries for Shrove Tuesday.

Have a fabulous weekend.

A Message from Mr Barton and Mrs Turner

Foundation Stage children have been busy making pancakes and choosing their favourite toppings. They followed this with writing instructions! After school club also enjoyed pancakes for their tea and Year 2 took part in pancake races.

On Thursday, the Junior leadership team visited Newington Academy in Hull to see their amazing creative curriculum and interactive displays. They had the opportunity to join in music lessons and use the media studio. They represented the school excellently and received many compliments about their behaviour. Please see the website and twitter for photos. Have a great weekend.

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Important Messages

School Dinner Menu - week 3

Waterstones Trip

The Resilient Reader winners from last half-term will be going to Waterstones to choose their books on Monday 18th March. Their class photos will be arranged around the trip.

Isle of Wight Meeting

There will be an important meeting about the trip to the Isle of Wight on Wednesday 3rd April at 7pm. If your child is going on the trip, you need to attend.

Book Fair

Thank you all very much for supporting

the book fair this week. Your generous

donations have raised over £900. All proceeds will go towards buying books for the children at school.

Attendance Superstars

Congratulations to the following classes for fantastic attendance this week.

Whole School attendance - 97.0%

Red Nose Day Friday 15th March 2018

Luke T in Year 1 has sent off for a Red Nose Day pack and would like to organise the event. He is asking for all children to come dressed in red and to have wacky hair.

Well done Luke!

Mrs Bolton

Mr Buckle

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