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Pointillism Art Project with George Seurat Inspiration

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Georges Pierre Seurat1859-1891�(32 years old)�Paris, France

He is known for using pointillism (dots) and impressionistic art (you can tell what the pictures are because they give us the impression of what the objects are though they are not realistic) Realistic paintings can look like photographs.

Seurat’s Pointillism

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In Seurat’s paintings he used several different colors to create a color. When a person sees the colors from a distance their eye mixes the colors. For example, if there are blues and yellows they will become greens when mixed and seen by our eyes at a distance.

In Seurat’s paintings he used several different colors to create a color. When a person sees the colors from a distance their eye mixes the colors. For example, if there are blues and yellows they will become greens when mixed and seen by our eyes at a distance.

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The island of La Grande Jatte. This is an actual place where Georges went on Sundays to watch and draw people and then he combined his drawings into one painting.

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte."

It took Seurat 2 years to complete. It is a very large painting that is 6' 10" by 10' 1"

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George Seurat’s largest (8’ x 10’) and most famous painting �A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, (1884-1886 It took him 2 years to paint)�This painting is now in a museum called The Art Institute of Chicago

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Now you get to experience pointillism�You will choose one of the picture outlines that has been printed on black art paper�Using oil pastels you will fill in the picture with dots�Use two or more colors in every area of your picture�Try using light and dark values of the same color to show shadows and highlights.

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Your will need ½ sheet black art paper with black lines run on it, oil pastels

To make the dots put your pastel on the paper and push down and give it a little spin, or put in down and then push it away from you or pull it towards you lifting it between dots. Pastels are softer than crayons and brighter. Keep making dots between dots, with different colors, until the areas are completely covered with pastels

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Keep making dots…...

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Keep Making Dots and these……..

Will turn into these…….

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Try another subject that you would like to do in pointillism.