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The SEPjr Program

Welcome Session

Slide Deck:


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Before we get started....

...couple of reminders

  • The session will be recorded
  • Please be sure to have your video off and your microphone muted
  • Type your questions in the chat as we go. We will pause along the way to answer questions.

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2021-22 SEPjr Program

Online Welcome Session

Slide Deck:


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Thank you for your time today to learn more about the SEPjr Program.

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CS4All SEPjr Program PD Team

Lionel Bergeron, Program Director

Tunisia Mitchell, School Leader Support

Kylie Davis, Community Outreach

Heather Wilson, Research & Evaluation

Jill Montagna, Operations


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A Diversity of Experience

Schools and teachers participating in 2021-22 SEPjr Program training represent a wide range of CS experience!




New School

This will be the school’s first time working with CSforAll

Experienced School

School has worked with CSforAll in the past.

New Teacher�Teaching CS for the first time

Are you here?


Experienced Teacher�Has taught CS before

Or here?

Or here?

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  • Computer Science for All Overview
  • What Is The SEPjr Program
    • Implementation Goals & Expectations
    • SEPjr PD Model SY 2021-22
  • School Support
  • Next Steps


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CS4All Overview

CS4All + SEPjr = Developing A Sequence of CS for K-5

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CS4All Overview

Computer Science for All (CS4All) will ensure all NYC public school students learn computer science, with an emphasis on female, Black and Latinx students. Through our work, students will be better prepared to utilize computer science during their K-12 experience and after graduation.

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CS4All Connected School Experiences

Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

CS School Team�


School Implementation Plan��STRATEGY & PROGRESS

Checkpoint Meetings��PROCESS & OWNERSHIP

CS Access Measure��DATA

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SY 21-22: Connected Experiences

Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

CS School Team�


All CS4All schools implement and work to build a CS School Team. Each CS School Team is comprised of a Principal or AP, Teacher Leaders, Classroom Teachers, and other key stakeholders, such as guidance counselors. CS School Teams are charged with planning, implementation, assessing progress, and making shifts that meet the need of students and the school. An effective CS School Team is the foundation of all CS4All supported schools.

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SY 21-22: Connected Experiences

Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

School Implementation Plan��STRATEGY & PROGRESS

The CS School Implementation Plan is a yearly tool that helps School Leaders and their CS School Team develop strategic goals, manage progress, and plan next steps. The SIP helps schools move the work using protocols, worksheets, and resources. CS4All staff also use each school’s SIP to better support stakeholders in various CS programs, as well as support the whole school.

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SY 21-22: Connected Experiences

Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

CS Access Measure��DATA

To assist schools is achieving CS For All, every CS4All-supported school receives “CS Access” data that measures student participation rates and demographic composition. This data is key in analyzing whether equitable access to CS exist in your school and helps CS School Teams identify targets and strategy based on data and not hunches.

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SY 21-22: Connected Experiences

Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

Checkpoint Meetings��PROCESS & OWNERSHIP

All CS School Teams meet at least four time during the school year to check-in, gauge progress, and plan next steps. All meetings are supported by the protocols, worksheets, and resources found in the CS School Implementation Plan.

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Reach For AllBuild an equitable CS education program that will “reach CS for all.”

CS4All Connected School Expectations

All CS4All schools must...


Use CS Access data to make decisions, set goals, and measure progress.

July, August + SY 21-22 via CS4All CS School Leader Sessions and School CS Team check-ins

Complete the School Implementation Plan

Meet at least four times during the school year, as a CS School Team

SY 21-22

Complete all program-specific requirements and deliverables.

August + SY 21-22 via CS4All mandatory PDs.

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CS4All Connected Summer Pre-Work

Building Leaders

Attend and participate in summer school leader sessions

Understands the purpose of the School Implementation Plan

Aware of CS education landscape

Reviewed current progress & analyzed access data challenges

Developed a vision for CSE using Access data

Classroom Teachers

Attend and participate in summer PD

Understands the purpose of the School Implementation Plan

Aware of CS education landscapes

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The SEPjr Program

Overview and Goals

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Software Engineering Program Jr. (SEPjr)

The Software Engineering Program Jr. (SEPjr) is designed for elementary schools that are implementing computer science education and want to expand their current CS program.

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Software Engineering Program Jr. (SEPjr)

The SEPjr Program supports a school’s effort to provide all students in the classroom and school with deep exposure to CS practices and concepts through a “sequence” of CS content that builds on each other from topic to topic and year to year.

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SEPjr Program - Overall Goals

(1) increase the number of elementary students, particularly from traditionally underrepresented groups who learn computer science;

(2) develop students’ computational thinking and problem-solving skills in real-world contexts;

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SEPjr Program - Overall Goals

(3) enable students to engage in a sequence of computer science instruction consisting of a minimum of two curriculum choices of computer science content, thus offering a truly rich elementary school CS experience that exceeds the CS4All goal of a single meaningful experience.

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The SEPjr Program

Implementation Goals & Expectations for Schools

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SEPjr Program - Expectations

Each school should have a CS School Team that consists of 5-7 current teachers who will be implementing computer science education and at least one administrator point of contact (principal, AP, etc).

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Commit to Providing SEPjr to All Students

  • SEPjr is designed for schools that are committed to planning towards ensuring all students - not just a select group - engage in the CS experiences made possible through the CS content and curriculum.

  • Each SEPjr school should reach “full implementation of the program after 2 to 4 years, at which point 2 to 3 curriculum options of CS instruction is being provided to all students at each grade level (i.e. all new students entering in grade K will receive 2+ curriculum options). The curriculum is designed to support flexibility for schools in regards to which (and how many) units are taught in each grade.

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Commit to Providing SEPjr to All Students

  • SEPjr schools are not expected to initially offer CS to every student or at every grade level (as outlined in the previous bullet), but are expected to acknowledge this expectation upfront and to plan and works towards “full implementation” within 2 to 4 years.

  • Designate and support a team of teachers to serve as the “CS Team” for their school who help with:
    • Strengthening the culture around CS teaching and learning in the school
    • Recruiting and supporting any additional teachers who are necessary to provide SEPjr to all students

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Teacher Expectations

  • Demonstrate a foundational understanding of CS Perspectives, Practices and Concepts described in the CS4All Blueprint.
  • Experience teaching computer science content or unit in their classroom.
  • Attend ALL mandatory professional development sessions during the 2021-2022 school year.
  • Integrating a sequence of computer science content, with the initial plan of 2 to 3 curriculum options from the SEPjr content, integrated units or a survey course that aligns with or informs revision of a school’s implementation plan.

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Administrator(s) Expectations

  • Attend School Leader Workshops during the school year.
  • Develop or revise the school CS implementation plan to incorporate a sequence of CS content across multiple grade levels.
  • Support teachers in their efforts to implement a sequence of computer science content and enter into school’s programming.

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School Team Expectations

  • Develop or revise the school CS implementation plan to incorporate a sequence of CS content across multiple grade levels.
  • Recruit and train additional school staff in computer science education in order to reach school wide implementation.
  • Plan and lead at least two culture-building events
    • CS Education Week
    • Family & Community
    • Maker Month
    • School Showcase

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SEPjr PD Program

PD Model for SY 2021-22

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SEPjr PD Models SY 2021-22

SEPjr Summer Institute PD Sessions [MANDATORY]

When: Monday, August 16th through Friday, August 20th, 2021; 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Where: Virtual Video Platform Meeting. Details will be sent to your teacher team in early July 2021.

These sessions will include synchronous and asynchronous work.

NOTE: If members of your teacher team cannot attend all five mandatory days of PD, it will affect your participation in SEPjr.

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SEPjr PD Models SY 2021-22

SEPjr School Year 2021-2022 Saturday PD Sessions [MANDATORY]

When: Saturday September 25th, November 20th, January 22nd, March 19th and May 7th; times TBA.

Where: Virtual Video Platform Meeting. Details will be sent to your teacher team after you completing the Summer Sessions.

These sessions will include synchronous and asynchronous work.

NOTE: If members of your teacher team cannot attend all five mandatory days of PD, it will affect your participation in SEPjr.

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SEPjr PD Models SY 2021-22

SEPjr All Cohort PD [OPTIONAL]

When: Saturday October 16th, December 18th, February 26th, & April 9th.

Where: Virtual Video Platform Meeting. Details will be sent to your teacher team throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

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SEPjr PD Models SY 2021-22

Additional Opportunities

  • Weekly Webinars
  • Exposure Workshops
  • Enrichment Workshops
  • Equity Events

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School Support

Curriculum, Professional Learning, Coaching

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School Support

  • All schools will receive PAID, CTLE-eligible remote, and if available in-person, professional development for teachers and administrators.
  • Content & curriculum and on-site support, when available, will also be provided for teachers to help them integrate and implement computer science instruction.
  • Develop an understanding of expectations for the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards.

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Content & Curriculum

The SEPjr Content & Curriculum...

  • Engages students in creative computing activities, labs, or projects that connect to students’ interests

  • Assesses student process creating artifacts and their ability to create artifacts that meet specific requirements

  • Assesses student outcomes that include all the CS Practices and Concepts from a grade-level aligned Perspective, as well as state standards

  • Provides implementation support for teachers and administrators

  • Can be implemented as part of a CS class and integrated into other content areas

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Unplugged Lesson: Emoji Time

@hellorubyworld @lindaliukas

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Unplugged Lesson: Emoji Time

Emojis have turned into a creative language of their own.

Can you give each emoji a name?

Could you tell a story?

Create your own Emoji. Is there a pattern to follow?

(UDL Spotlight: Representation/Perception)

@hellorubyworld @lindaliukas

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Example: Emoji Time

Love Sick!


@hellorubyworld @lindaliukas

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Online Activity: 5 Random Facts

@scratch @ScratchEdTeam

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Scratch Starter Projects

  • Allows students to look inside a Scratch Project and add their own thoughts & ideas.
  • Introduces students to the practices of remixing
  • UDL Spotlight: Recruiting Interest
  • Opportunities for content integration
  • https://scratch.mit.edu/starter_projects/
    • Choose the 5 Random Facts project
    • Think back to the Animate A Name activity
    • Challenge: make it interactive

@Scratch @ScratchEd

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Example: 5 Random Facts

@scratch @ScratchEdTeam

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Physical Computing w/ micro:bit

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Integrating Project Based Learning

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Integrating Project Based Learning

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Best Practices from Remote Learning

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Develop A Scope & Sequence

Based on Student Outcomes & New CS/DF Standards

  • The Student Outcomes take into account the different perspectives students have as they deepen their understanding of the CS practices and concepts.
  • For elementary schools, the Explorer and Creator Outcomes help to set clear expectations for students engaged in computer science.
  • Provides concrete representation of what skills the students will have by the end of 2nd and 5th Grade.
  • Based on a schools implementation plan, some students may begin to achieve Innovator and Citizen Outcomes.
  • Through the student outcomes and standards, school teams will identify what specific concepts and practices are needed in the schools CS Implementation Plan.

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School Leadership Sessions

For School Admins (Tunisia Mitchell: Tmitchell20@schools.nyc.gov)

School Leaders (Admins + CS School Team) receive guidance on developing strategic goals, managing progress, and planning next steps to sustain and scale their school’s CS program �����

To register for the Foundational Training, please click below:

  • New: Schools who are participating in a CS4All program for the first time
  • Continuing: Schools who have participated in a CS4All program previously


Date & Time


School Leader Session: Foundational Training

July 19, 21, 22, or 23;

August 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13

Throughout the school year, administrators are expected to attend school leaders sessions to strategically plan and support their CS School Team in offering computer science. School Leaders may invite an additional CS School Team member with them to these sessions. These planning sessions are opened to schools new to or continuing computer science instruction.

Additional sessions may be added based on need or request.

School Leader Session

November 2021

School Leader Session

February 2022

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Continuous Improvement

The CS4All team collaborates with the Research Alliance for NYC Schools, to help us learn more about how CS is implemented in your classrooms. Research activities can include:

  • Interviews and possible classroom observations with select teachers (spring 2022)
  • Student survey and assessment to provide you with information on how your students understand various concepts of computational thinking and how they see themselves as CS students (fall 2021 and spring 2022)
  • Survey feedback on professional development and support (ongoing)

As CS teachers, your participation in these activities is vital to our understanding of the programs we offer and will help us improve the support we provide to you and your students.

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Community Outreach

The CS4All team will keep you updated with resources and opportunities that are available to you and your students, such as Equity Events. Another crucial way to stay connected with our community is by joining the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) NYC Chapter!

CSTA NYC is a free community for you to learn about things like scholarships, grants, and fellowships. CSTA NYC monthly meetings are a great place for you to connect with other CS educators and leaders and share resources. Use the steps below to join:

Step 1: Join CSTA with a free Basic Membership

Step 2: Click “Join Chapter” in the top right corner of the CSTA NYC page to join our local chapter

Step 3: Follow CSTA_NYC on Twitter for the latest news (optional)

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Events Team:

  • Supports Course facilitators by implementing event logistics and strategy
  • Manages materials inventory
  • Develops standard operating procedures

Finance Team:

  • Oversees collection of timesheets and submits per session payments for processing

Data Team:

  • Maintains database of teacher attendance for CTLE certification

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Next Step

What schools can do now to get started

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Action Items for School Team

  • Continue to check your Department of Education email for Summer Registration and additional program updates.
  • Bookmark cs4all.nyc, blueprint.cs4all.nyc and tinyurl.com/SEPjrNYC
  • Submit your OP-175 and Resume
  • Reach out with any questions by email me at lberger3@schools.nyc.gov, lberger3@strongschools.nyc or sign up for office hours at calendly.com/sepjrnyc/30min


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Check Us Out

Checkout participating teachers learning, photos, and videos on social media! Use @CSForAllNYC

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Thank you from the CS4All Team!

We look forward to working with you and your teams!