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SAP Plant Maintenance

Select Spare Parts

via “SP” file

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New Document Type “SP” provides a Graphical method for Spare Parts Selection

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in IDES you can find another new Doc type in DMS “SP” (Spare Parts),

Doc no. P-1000

Doc.Type SP

Doc.Part 000

Doc.No 00

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In IDES, Aasign new Doc type in DMS “SP” (Spare Parts),

Doc no. P-1000

Doc.Type SP

Doc.Part 000

Doc.No 00

to Equipment TEQ-10

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Create MO for TEQ-10

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Equipment with the “SP” Doc Type assign to the MO Operation

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Spare Parts BUTTON

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Spare Parts selected will be dropped here before copied to the MO

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Use this to select Parts

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Assembly and Its parts

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Will Click “extension block with base”

Note here after Parts is CLICKed

See Next after CLICKed

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Note Parts Detail and Material detail

Note Parts Identified in 3D Model

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“Copy to Spare parts List”

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Click this ICON to

DISSECT the PUMP to select Parts inside

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Notice the mouse cursor switch to “Hand + Arrow”

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Use the New Mouse Gesture to pull the Assembly out

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The Spring Casing is OUT exposing the parts of the internal PUMP

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The Spring Casing is OUT exposing the parts of the internal PUMP

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I CLICKed to select this Part

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The system automatically explodes the BOM Assembly where the parts is located in the BOM

Parts Material Number, Description

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Copy to Spare Parts List

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Double-click to goto Operation Detail

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Parts copied to MO

But one part’s material number not found in SAP, system revert to non-stock