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Create shapes and patterns with MSW Logo

Windows PC


Ages 7 to 9

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Lesson preparation

  • MSW Logo

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Lesson concepts

  • Text based programming language
  • Angles degrees
  • Pixels
  • Repeat loops
  • Abstraction naming a set of commands

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Easy activities

  • Type movement commands one at a time

fd, bk, lt, rt

  • Set pen colour setpc
  • Clear screen cs
  • Pen up and pen down pu pd

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Medium activities

  • Repeat loops repeat n [ commands ]
  • Set pen size setpensize [n n]

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Challenge activities

  • Create commands to ___

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Other resources

Simon Haughton’s Logo programing posts


Math cats art gallery Logo commands


N V Fitton’s Logo resources


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Request a tutorial or training...

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