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Rock Games

Many early societies as well as people today use rocks for games

What games can you think of that use rocks or minerals?

  • Bocce
  • Marbles
  • Chinese Checkers
  • Mancala

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Rock Games

Many early societies as well as people today use rocks for games

What games can you think of that use rocks or minerals?

  • Bocce
  • Marbles
  • Chinese Checkers
  • Mancala

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Side Reach

Side Reach is a balance game played with a small object like a rock traditionally played by the Inuit!

Standing with your feet together, place a pencil on the outside of your foot. Reach behind your knees and see how far you can push the rock.

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Rock Jacks

A quick, fun, and easy variation on the classic game jacks

  • Start by collecting 5-6 rocks
  • The game is very simple and includes throwing one of your rocks in the air and trying to pick up as many of the rocks on the table as possible.
  • The Player must go up in order, “onesies” “twosies” until they have been able to pick up all of the rocks at once

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Rock Catch

Put a small stone on the back of your hand and try to catch it before it hits the ground. If you are successful, try with 2 rocks. See how many you can get to!

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Rock Stack

Challenge a friend to try to stack rocks as high as you can go. The person with the highest stack without falling or touching anything else wins.

Seven Stones Game

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Many marble games exist. Play a few featured here.

  • Marble Guessing Game: Start with 10 marbles or rocks each. Put 1-6 marbles in your hand and have the other person guess odd or even. If they guess right, they get the marbles in your hand. If they are incorrect, they have to give you the amount you have in your hand from their stash. Play until a player is out of marbles.
  • Marble basketball: With a certain amount of marbles or rocks each, try to get the marble into a Circle on the floor, a cup, or a hole in the ground. The player with the most marbles in the target wins.
  • Classic Marbles: Make a circle 3 feet across. Scatter some marbles within. With a bigger marble try to knock the smaller marbles out of the circle with the bigger one (knuckles to the ground and flicking it. You get to keep the marbles you knock out of the circle. If your big marble is out of the circle, or you miss, your turn is over.
  • More marble games: https://icebreakerideas.com/marble-games/

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Tic Tac Toe

Challenge a friend to a game of Tic Tac Toe using different rock types or shapes, or ones that are labeled with chalk or paint.

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Create Your Own Game!

Using as many rocks as you like create your own game on your own, in partners or as a group. Be creative. After you make your game, show the class how to play it. What kind of skills are needed to play the game?