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Nick Johnson


Ethereum Name Service

This event is brought to you by workonblockchain.com

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  • What ENS is & how it works
  • ENS resolvers in practice
  • Using ENS in DApps
  • Registrars & name registration
  • State of ENS

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What is ENS?



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What is ENS?


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More than just names

ENS names contracts and accounts, but also…

  • Swarm & IPFS records
  • Legacy DNS records - IP addresses, mail exchangers
  • Identity attestation
  • Stores contract interfaces

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What is ENS?

  • eth
    • inigomontoya
      • wallet
    • metamask
      • alice
      • bob
    • oraclize

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ENS Architecture

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Resolving a name

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ENS by example: Resolvers

Contract MyResolver {

address me;

function MyResolver() {

me = msg.sender;


function addr(bytes32 node) constant returns (address) {

return me;



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Using ENS from Javascript

var ENS = require(‘ethereum-ens’);

var ens = new ENS(web3);

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Looking up names

var address = ens.resolver(‘inigomontoya.eth’).addr();

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Reverse resolution

var name = ens.reverse(‘0x112234455...’).name();

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Setting up reverse resolution

In JS:


{from: eth.accounts[0]});

In Solidity:


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Contracts in web3

var testContract = web3.eth.contract(


var test = testContract.at(“0x0904dac3347ea47d208f...”);

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Contracts in ENS

var test = ens.resolver(‘inigomontoya.eth’).instance();

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Registrars in ENS


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ENS by example: Registrars

contract SimpleRegistrar {

ENS ens;

bytes32 root;

function claim(bytes32 label) {

if(ens.owner(sha3(root, label)) != 0)


ens.setSubnodeOwner(root, label, msg.sender);



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The .eth registrar

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ENS status

  • Launched on mainnet on May 4 2017
  • ‘Soft launch’ finished July 12 2017
  • Responsible for 24% of all gas usage on mainnet

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180,822 names auctioned

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Ξ168,595 Ether deposited

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Top Domains

  • ethfinex.eth Ξ201,709
  • sportsbet.eth Ξ188,888
  • consensys.eth Ξ184,811
  • weifund.eth Ξ184,400

  • darkmarket.eth Ξ20,103
  • openmarket.eth Ξ10,054
  • exchange.eth Ξ6,660
  • blackjack.eth Ξ5,910
  • tickets.eth Ξ2,976

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Client Adoption

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What’s next

  • Voluntary dispute resolution / blacklisting
  • Exchange integration
  • DNS on ENS
  • ENS on DNS
  • Designing the permanent registrar

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Any questions?

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