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Commands to Children About Parents

What Does the Bible Say About Children?

Lesson 2

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Opening Discussion

  • Reflect on your childhood and your relationship with your parents.
  • What do/did you struggle with the most?
  • What do/did you enjoy the most?

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Attitude Toward Parents

Day 1

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Attitude Toward Parents

  • Exodus 20:12
  • Leviticus 19:3
  • Deuteronomy 5:16
  • Matthew 19:19

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Attitude Toward Parents

  • After reading these verses, what does the Bible say about the attitude that children should have toward their parents?
  • What does it mean to honor and respect someone?
  • What, then, does it mean for children to honor and respect their parents?

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Attitude Toward Parents

  • How does this command apply to children who have parents who abuse or neglect them?
  • What attitude can these children have toward their parents even in the midst of their parents not properly caring for them?

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Consequences of Not Honoring Parents

Day 2

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Consequences of Not Honoring Parents

  • Exodus 21:15, 17
  • Leviticus 20:9
  • Proverbs 20:20
  • Proverbs 30:17

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Consequences of Not Honoring Parents

  • In these verses, what are the consequences of not honoring and respecting parents?
  • How do these verses apply to us today?

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Consequences of Not Honoring Parents

  • How do you think these verses should affect the attitude that you have toward your parents?
  • Do you have any attitudes that need to change? What are they?

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Actions of Children

Day 3

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Actions of Children

  • Proverbs 1:8-9
  • Proverbs 6:20-22
  • Proverbs 13:1
  • Proverbs 23:22
  • Ephesians 6:1-3
  • Colossians 3:20

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Actions of Children

  • How do these verses say that children should respond to their parents?
  • What is the assumption that goes along with these verses?
  • What do these verses say about why children should obey their parents?

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Actions of Children

  • How might this apply differently to children who do not have godly parents?
  • When might these children still need to follow the command to obey their parents, and when should they not?

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Jesus and His Parents

Day 4

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Jesus and His Parents

  • Luke 2:41-52

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Jesus and His Parents

  • How did Jesus respond to his parents?
  • What was the outcome of Jesus’ obedience?

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Jesus and His Parents

  • Based on these verses, do you have any actions that you need to change when it comes to interacting with your parents?
  • If so, what are they?
  • What should you do instead?