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Kaylin Zittergruen�

8th Grade English and Honors English�


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About Me

  • I am from Ames, Iowa
  • I just finished my master’s �degree from CSU in Education �and Human Resource Studies �with my principal’s license
  • I have taught middle school English �in PSD for 4.5 years
  • I live in Timnath with my husband, �Tom, and our cattle dog, Willow
  • I love everything outdoors!

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  • Provide rigorous English Language Arts content that is accessible to all students�
  • Empower students to revise and edit their writing to achieve their individual goals �
  • Create an environment where students are challenged to grow as readers and writers�
  • Build relationships and foster community in our classroom and school

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  • 8th Grade Core Knowledge Curriculum aligned with Colorado State Academic Standards and PSD guidelines

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8th Grade Core Knowledge Anchor Texts

The Core Knowledge Sequence is being updated this year. It is not finalized yet, but should be completed by the end of 2022.

The new novels that will be included in the sequence are:

  • Night by Elie Wiesel (PSD 8th Grade Text)
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  • The Promise of Change by Jo Ann Allen Boyce and Debbie Levy
  • Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez by Richard Rodriguez (Autobiography)
  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
  • Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare

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Choice Reading

  • Students are always expected to have a free reading book that both excites and challenges them

  • We would like for students to read 30 minutes each day for five days out of the week (2.5 hours a week)�
  • Parents can support at home by ensuring students are taking time to read and by talking to students about what they’re reading�
  • Students will track their reading on a log each quarter that you are welcome to check. This will also help students track their progress toward the (optional) 40 book challenge.

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  • This year, students will be writing in many different genres including informational, argument, literary analysis, and narrative.�
  • We have a strong focus on the writing process- planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. �
  • We work to build on the skills they learned in 6th and 7th Grade to continue to elevate their writing.�
  • The 8th grade writing curriculum is quite rigorous, but we are here to support each student as an individual writer.

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Our Classroom

  • Place of mutual respect
  • Focus is on students’ physical, academic, and mental/emotional well-being.
  • If your child faces any barriers to finishing their work (especially essays and large writing assignments), please communicate with me or have your child reach out.
  • Students should be engaged in class, so I ask that cell phones be away at all times.

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Standards Based Grading

  • Grades based upon understanding of standards
  • Grades are 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, OR 1
    • 70% summatives/tests
    • 29% formatives/quizzes
    • 1% work habits (assignments, prepared, etc.)
  • Summative assessments: essays, paragraphs, on-demand writes, projects, tests
  • Formative assessments: paragraphs, on-demand writes, quizzes, reading log checks, in class assignments
  • Retakes and revisions are possible

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Tips for Success

  • Self Advocacy�
  • Using Resources (ELO)�
  • Making up for absences�
  • Check Google Classroom and Learning Page�
  • Use Planner�
  • Stay Organized

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Support at Home

  • Encourage students to work and study in a place free from distractions �
  • Encourage progress over perfection when writing�
  • Talk with students�
  • Phone/email

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Our Class Needs

If you are able & interested in providing for our classroom, we could always use more of the following:�

    • Current popular young adult novels (used donations are always welcome!)�
    • Kleenex boxes�
    • Pencils

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Honors English 8

  • Honors English is an opportunity for students to be challenged in reading and writing
  • Our goal is to provide more challenging work, but not necessarily a significantly higher workload
  • We incorporate more challenging texts and writing styles into the 8th grade curriculum
  • Honors English is more independent and allows for more student choice

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Your Assignment -

Our Hopes for You

  • Take a sticky note from the center of your desk
  • Write a hope you have for our 8th grade students this year (avoid using your child’s name)
  • Stick the post-it note on the posters located on the cabinets you passed on your way in
  • These will be displayed in the room this year to encourage our students as they begin 8th grade

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Thank You for Coming!

Please feel free to reach out any time!�

kzittergruen@psdschools.org �

970-488-5476 (classroom phone)