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Introduction to BNL Physics Dept’s new

Nuclear and Particle Physics Software (NPPS) Group

Torre Wenaus

NPPS Group Meeting 1

May 8, 2019


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  • Discussions over the last 2 years on how to consolidate NP and HEP software activities at BNL into a common effort that strengthens both
  • Discussions converged this year on a plan to create the NPPS group
  • Consolidate strong software teams in PAS and STAR
  • Continue and grow the successes of HEP and NP software at BNL in PAS and STAR and elsewhere in the Department
    • Plus… that word… synergy… 1 + 1 > 2
  • Support and build on the growing list of experiments & programs with existing or potential S&C roles for BNL
    • STAR, EIC, sPHENIX, ATLAS, Belle II, DUNE, LQCD theory, Astro, ...
  • Complement and leverage CSI with a comprehensive software group in Physics
  • RACF successfully consolidated facilities across NP and HEP two decades ago, it’s time we did it in software!
  • Have been developing and iterating plans with experiments and management and experiments since early Feb, yesterday we arrived at ‘ready’


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  • Consolidate software efforts across HEP and NP into one group, a consortium of experts on NPP software, infrastructure, services and tools, sharing knowledge and coordinating efforts
  • Top priority: serve experiment operational needs, with continuity of support and responsibilities when creating the NPPS group. Don’t break things!
    • NPPS members are experiment collaborators, reporting along experiment reporting lines
    • Cannot emphasise this enough. Constantly raised by experiment leads & others.
  • Perform development and R&D with near and long term objectives aligned with the Department’s strategic plan and vision
    • Strength in S&C is part of BNL’s vision for technical and intellectual leadership in key NPP experiments


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Mandate 2

  • Foster the engagement of BNL with wider NPP S&C community & projects
  • The group as a consolidation of strong experimental software teams in both nuclear and particle physics, is unique among US Laboratories
  • Seek opportunities to draw on this strength and past successes and expand its reach for the benefit of US and international nuclear and particle physics programs
  • The focus of the group on common, cross-cutting projects will allow it to present a strong case for support in an environment that strongly favors common cross-cutting efforts over ones focused on single experiments
  • Be proactive in seeking funding via LDRD, program development funds, DOE ASCR, DOE HEP Computing, and DOE NP, with an emphasis on common projects and leveraging the group’s cross-cutting scope & expertise


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  • Decided through consultation between experiments, individuals, Department Chair, NPPS
  • Initial membership 19 people
  • Involvement from beyond the membership, beginning with the leadership team and extending to the technical teams/forums
  • We’ll engage people from RACF, Omega, EDG, PHENIX, STAR, CSI, …
  • Group structured so that non-members can collaborate fully and effectively
  • Make group boundaries transparent for those working together on projects
  • Foster bottom-up organization of working teams
    • Hence the technical team structure of the group
    • This group began as a top-down mandate of the management but we’re building it as a bottom-up collaboration around technical topics in support of our experiments


You will have seen the FAQ

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Membership - who we are

19 people from

  • 4 groups
  • ~6 experiments
  • 2 sites

with diverse expertise and operations responsibilities in their experiments


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Leadership team

  • Group is managed by a leadership team consisting of
    • Group leader answerable to the Department Chair for the group’s program
      • Works in close collaboration with the rest of the leadership team in all aspects of planning and managing the group’s activities and overseeing its personnel
      • 60% of Torre’s time (rest is US ATLAS, mostly HL-LHC computing R&D)
    • Leadership team members represent the principal experiments and programs of the group
      • Not symmetric: some have substantial-to-moderate size software teams (ATLAS, STAR, Belle II), some far from it (sPHENIX, DUNE, EIC)
      • Representation on leadership team reflects this asymmetry: sPHENIX, DUNE, EIC reps are liaisons and not NPPS members
  • Leadership team membership (bold = NPPS member)
    • ATLAS - Alexei Klimentov
    • Belle II - Paul Laycock
    • DUNE - Brett Viren
    • EIC - Alexander Kiselev
    • sPHENIX - Chris Pinkenburg
    • STAR - Gene Van Buren


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Leadership team responsibilities

  • Group leader shares and delegates responsibilities within the leadership team, engaging the team in deciding the division of responsibilities
  • Setting plans, goals and priorities for the group is the collective responsibility of the leadership team
  • Leadership team members
    • serve as liaison between the group and their respective experimental/scientific communities
    • oversee technical team activities in their domain
    • serve (not exclusively) as point of contact between the group and funding agencies
    • identify funding opportunities and take the lead in developing proposals
  • The leadership team conducts the day to day work of managing the group via regular (initially weekly) management meetings and ongoing discussions, email etc.


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Contact leads and liaisons

  • As Hong said in the announcement, close coordination of the NPPS group with the rest of the Department is essential for this model to succeed
  • To that end, lead contacts / liaisons are in the process of being established to stakeholders inside and outside Physics
  • In addition to the experiments/science areas represented on the leadership team:
    • LSST and other astroparticle
    • LQCD - HEP and NP
    • CSI
      • Computer Science and Mathematics
      • Computational Science Lab
      • Center for Data-Driven Discovery
    • More as required


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Technical teams

  • NPPS members will be on one or more technical teams
  • Technical teams carry out the work of the group
  • Tech team leaders (or co-leaders) have lead responsibility for the team’s activities, deliverables, vision
    • Identify opportunities for projects, common efforts and develop the means of pursuing them
    • Developing the means = acquiring/identifying the effort, without overburdening existing people
  • Reporting lines for experiment deliverables remain with the experiment
    • Again, the tenet of the group: continuity of experiment responsibilities & deliverables
    • Starting point for team members is continuity of experiment responsibilities
  • Initially the tech teams effectively operate more like discussion forums
    • Commonality begins with discussion & communication, extends to real common effort when the projects and the manpower are identified
  • Technical team leaders will over time share managerial responsibilities with the NPPS leadership, decided case by case based e.g. on experience
  • Performance evaluations will initially be done by the group leader, in close consultation with others (in and outside NPPS) overseeing the person’s work


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The technical teams

  • The teams:
    • Simulation (e.g. STAR, sPHENIX, EIC simu; ATLAS fast simu on HPCs)
    • Core software & advanced algorithms (e.g. accelerator-ready algorithms & data models)
    • Reconstruction (e.g. sharing TPC expertise)
    • Databases (e.g. sharing conditions DB expertise/software)
    • Workflow and workload management (PanDA and its integrations e.g. Pegasus)
    • Distributed data management (Rucio for Belle II, DUNE, sPHENIX?, STAR?)
    • Software support (e.g. continuous integration, software stack support, supporting production/analysis/dev, NPPS-supported services on RACF/EC2 provisioned platforms)
    • User interfaces, monitoring & analytics (e.g. commonality among UIs, analytics tools applied to experiment needs)
  • The teams grow as commonality and common projects grow
    • Day 1: their function is to foster communication & collaboration around a topical area: basically a discussion forum
    • Day N: they graduate to a technical team when projects+effort emerge


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  • In a few areas, NPPS will not host much effort, but should work as a facilitator and catalyst for communication and collaboration
    • In such areas NPPS will host a forum rather than a technical team
  • Good forum candidates identified so far:
    • Streaming DAQ and real-time analysis
      • Great interest and activity across many experiments
      • TDAQ/online is outside NPPS scope but much online/offline commonality in software
    • Collaborative tools, websites, documentation and training
      • A very common request in discussions is for NPPS to please help in this area!
      • NPPS can add its voice, focus discussion, and work directly when supported to do so
      • meeting/agenda tools, single sign-on, GitHub Pages, wikis, Drupal, Sharepoint,
      • documentation tools, best practices
      • training tools and programs
      • Will organize this forum jointly with SDCC/RACF

… and to be included somewhere, not yet discussed: data preservation


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Coordination and communication

  • Coordination with stakeholders is via a coordination team consisting of NPPS leadership, experiment/stakeholder contacts, and technical team leaders
  • Meetings:
    • Every week, a general open group meeting with standing agenda
      • Top-of-the meeting items & news, tech team highlights, focus topic
      • Open to all; reserve items of interest only to NPPS members to end of the meeting
    • Every month a broadened open meeting of the coordination team on broader planning topics
    • Group meeting notes maintained and posted
  • Technical teams organize their own meetings as needed
  • Monthly meeting between Physics management and NPPS, SDCC leaders
  • Will organize a seminar series on S&C topics within or of interest to HENP
    • Joint with SDCC/RACF
  • Web presence on an open source model in github (propose: bnlnppsoftware)
  • Group calendar (bnlnppsoftware@gmail.com) to share events of interest to NPPS
    • Any leadership team member can add items, happy to add others as well


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Weekly meeting

Preferred slot: Wed 10 am, 1 hour limit (followed by 1hr leadership team meeting)

Or: same arrangement Fri 10am

Can we agree now on Wed 10 (or failing that Fri 10)?


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Administrative support

  • The Department is in the process of hiring a new administrative support person for the group
    • Likely to be shared with another group
  • Office will be 1-220 (Torre’s old office)
  • Until then, Linda and Rachel have kindly agreed to continue to support us
  • So for now, your admin support does not change


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Early priority activities: NP

  • EIC
    • Important to increase the visibility and participation of BNL in EIC software
    • Expand the impact of our busy EIC software experts by giving them help
    • JLab is much more visible, even though BNL is strong in the software
    • Working on ways to increase BNL visibility, leverage our software strengths
      • Take advantage of tutorials to show our stuff
        • Trieste software workshop, BNL detector R&D meeting, Paris EIC UG workshop, …
      • Representation in coordinating software activities (consortium, software WG)
        • Torre will join Markus Diefenthaler (JLab) and Andrea Bressan (INFN) as EIC UG SW WG co-convener
      • Joint (with JLab) seminar series, BNL organizing the next “Future of NP S&C” workshop, ...
    • 2019 LDRD: requesting 1 postdoc x3yrs on putting usable practical software in the hands of users
    • As documented in the review last spring, much to do, much opportunity to draw on BNL expertise to help
      • Consolidate STAR, sPHENIX TPC expertise
      • Use BNL strengths in distributed computing to bootstrap sPHENIX into a distributed model as needed
      • Common interests in streaming DAQ, real time analysis
      • Need for a computing model; sPHENIX has just established a computing task force
    • 2019 LDRD: requesting 1 postdoc x3yrs on sPHENIX offline software including Exascale (MT safe, high concurrency, memory requirements, efficient parallel I/O)


Waiting on whether we’re approved to proceed

with 2 postdoc x 3 year LDRD proposal

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Early priority activities: Computing model WG

  • Request from Elke: please help with software costing for an eRHIC detector, as input to eRHIC detector costing (complete in the summer)
  • One of several current or coming areas in which we need to contribute to computing model like activities
    • DUNE is giving attention to a computing model
    • sPHENIX needs to develop a computing model
    • ATLAS will soon launch (with WLCG) development of HL-LHC computing model
  • An immediate priority is to establish a computing model WG to address these
    • Membership right now == the NPPS leadership team
    • Looking to add people, inside NPPS and outside (e.g. RACF)
    • Not everyone will have equal involvement in all activities but the WG will be a repository of the common knowledge and expertise that will contribute to all


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Early priority activities: DUNE

  • This is a key moment for DUNE S&C: DUNE is actively establishing who does what in S&C
  • This is the time for BNL to step forward with effort as well as expertise to secure responsibilities
  • Leverage our capabilities to secure responsibilities which can then later be funded by DUNE ops
  • Department seemingly receptive to using program development funds to bootstrap effort if responsibilities can be agreed with DUNE & FNAL
  • Discussions underway, negotiating in our areas of strength
    • Wire-Cell (Brett’s TPC reco)
    • Distributed computing
    • Conditions DB
  • And we should be involved in Data Model/Computing Model development
    • Will participate in an Aug 2019 3 day workshop on DUNE computing model development
    • Proposing to host it here


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More early priority activities

  • Collaborative tools
    • Improvements in this area requested by many
    • Some work underway for EIC (funded!)
    • NPPS role mainly fostering communication, catalyst, voice for experiments, with much overlap with SDCC/RACF
    • Will run a forum on this jointly with RACF
    • Organize a meeting soon addressing experiment/stakeholder needs & priorities, and tool/infrastructure status and timeline
      • Background is a draft look at collaborative tool needs put together ~2 years ago (Tom Throwe, Jerome Lauret)
  • HPCs as an accessible accelerator-enabled resource
    • ATLAS-CSI project developing ML and GPU-access services for HPCs (e.g. Summit)
    • Has application to all interested in using ML and/or GPUs at significant scale
      • e.g. DUNE GPU project now involved
  • Real-time data analysis
    • Already two meetings/workshops this year; launch the forum to carry this forward


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Planning and oversight

  • Annually the NPPS leadership in consultation with coordination team develops and proposes the plan for the following fiscal year
    • Software, infrastructure, tools and services that need to be developed and supported
    • New R&D projects which may benefit all or specific experiments
  • Corresponding FTE and budget requirements and the proposed share across experiments are also developed
  • Discussed and approved with all experiments, funds distributed accordingly
  • NPPS FTEs that are funded directly by each experiment’s Operation funds are defined and agreed in the annual plan
  • Shared needs across experiments should be defined in writing and budgeted
    • e.g. if BELLE-II needs 30% of a person from STAR to work on database, and STAR agrees, the BELLE-II program should pay for the 30% FTE
  • Reviews initiated by NPPS or Department leadership as needed


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Seeking support for new effort

  • Realizing NPPS objectives requires new effort
    • Cannot add common project mandates to 100% committed people
  • Department has gone to the trouble of creating the group -- should now bootstrap us into being able to leverage it in key strategic areas!
  • Submitted a wish list for NPPS priorities as an LDRD 2019 abstract
    • While recognizing that not all topics will necessarily be appropriate to LDRD
      • e.g. program development funds
    • Got a departmental ‘yes’ on sPHENIX and EIC, waiting to see if we’re asked to submit a full proposal
  • Will look for others, external and internal, over time
    • Experiments
    • Agency funding opportunities


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NPPS and STAR (presented to the STAR management)

  • First and foremost message from STAR: continuity, don’t break things
    • Top priority: serve experiment operational needs, with continuity of support and responsibilities
  • What STAR can do to help make the changes as smooth as possible?
    • Mission of the NPPS group is to gain the trust of STAR in reliably delivering on expectations
    • STAR making the expectations clear will help
    • Formality of that is up to STAR; requirements, deliverables, etc.
    • The best insurance it will work well is it’s on the same model as up to now: STAR people in NPPS are STAR people just as they have been in the STAR group, participating in STAR meetings, answerable to STAR reporting lines and deliverables
  • What we can hope/expect from the new group with regards to computing in STAR
    • Frankly, early NPPS priorities for effort over and above ‘continuity’ identified in discussing and planning the group are in other areas: sPHENIX and EIC in NP, DUNE in HEP
    • Strongest message from STAR is “don’t perturb us”; continuity is our initial focus


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NPPS and PAS (presented to PAS)

  • Not a whole lot changes on May 6 for former PAS members, continuity is foremost!
  • Getting the tech teams -- er, forums -- going will broaden our awareness of software in the department, opportunities for commonality, sharing effort and knowledge, etc.


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Ramping up the group

  • Foremost message: continuity in one’s workday, no change to responsibilities
  • Leadership team up and running since late March
  • Pursuing opportunities for getting in new effort
    • LDRD: sPHENIX and EIC
    • DUNE: working on a case for program development funds
    • Let’s collectively look for more
  • Establish group infrastructure: meetings, mailing lists, calendar, web presence, github etc
    • Volunteers to help appreciated
  • Set the landscape, get to know one another and the opportunities
    • Surveying the experiments, and then the technical areas, in the first meetings of the group
  • Activate forums and (initially forum-like) technical teams, with priority to those aligned with our early priorities, and begin organizing initial activities
  • Pursue the opportunities and mandates we’re already aware of
    • Getting our EIC software out there to users
    • Computing model & related for EIC, DUNE, ATLAS


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Message to all

Always ready to discuss questions, concerns, ideas!


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