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Welcome to Back to School Night!

Ms. Stewart

Room 306 ELA

September 2019 - June 2020

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A brief note about me…

  • Teaching over 30 years
  • BA from St. John’s University

MA from Adelphi University

  • Children went to school in the district
  • Teaching lifelong habits (focus beyond 6th grade)

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Contact Me

LAL 509 period 10/11-@k4hk3h

  • OR
  • rstewart@franklinboe.org

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Need Information ????

To stay informed about what’s going on in Literacy, please go to team A Google Site and click on Literacy R. Stewart and find the period that your child attends!

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  • Sharpened pencils with erasers, Blue/Black pens
  • Post-its,
  • Tissues
  • Hand Sanitizer - would be greatly Appreciated!

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Class Philosophy

Our Language Arts Literacy (LAL) class is

a respectful environment focused on developing successful, independent lifelong readers and writers. A positive attitude is the key to success.

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Grading Profile

  • Homework 5%
  • Classwork 20%
  • Quizzes 30%
  • Tests, Major writing pieces 45%
  • Remember to check Genesis for your child’s progress.
  • HOnor’s Criteria

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  • Homework for the week on the front board. Homework is due on the assigned date

  • There is usually one week’s notice for notebook collection and for quizzes/tests.

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  • Reader’s Workshop
  • Writer’s Workshop

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literary resources

I-ready - diagnostic tool

Office hours ela 306 - Tuesdays 2:35 - 3:25

Public Library - Please sign up for library card

Google Teacher Page

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Class Created Incentives

Reading Incentives – How many “Books” will you read this year?

2019-2020 Reading Goal is 35

  • 5 books = 1 Warrior Ticket
  • 10 books = 2 Warrior tickets - Class Shout Out
  • 15 books= 3 Warrior tickets or FRee HOmework Pass
  • 20 books= 4 Warrior tickets
  • 25 books= 5 Warrior tickets
  • 30 books= 5 points towards any teacher created TEST grade
  • Over 35 dinner****Teacher Choice

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Room 306 Incentive Plan

  • Rewards
  • Star Tickets
  • Positive Communication with Parent
  • Lunch with Teacher
  • TBA – Student Choice


Conference with teacher


Phone Conference with Parent

Parent/Student/Teacher conference

Recess Detention


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We are working towards our goal of becoming �LIFE - LONG Readers and Writers!�Let’s have a great year!