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What type of battery will make my light bulb glow brighter


8th Grade

Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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The reason I want to test out the different battery brands is because i want to help people know which brand is the best to use for the light bulb we built. It will save time and money. I choose energizer for my preferred battery brand in my hypothesis because I has always used that brand for anything. The variable I am switching for my project is changing the brand of the battery because it's what determines and answers my question .My results ended up answering my hypothesis because the energizer battery ended up making my light bulb glow brighter

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Purpose Statement

What type of battery will make the homemade light bulb glow brighter?

The reason why is because I want to test out the different battery brand is the best for my lightbulb. It will help you find out which brand is the strongest for your lightbulb. I will help people know what battery brand to get for their lightbulb. People will now know what brand of battery to get. It will save people's time and money. This is really important because if you don't get the right type of brand it will affect the way your light glows. It could make it glow brighter of glow really dim.

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What type of battery will make my light bulb grow brighter?

I think is energizer batteries will work the best on my lightbulb. The reason why I think it is going to be the strongest is because it is the most bought one in stores. I've been buying that brand since I was younger for everything. I choose energizer for my battery.

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Experimental Procedures and


For this you will need;Jar with lid-hammer-1 inch nails-three foot inserted copper wire-6 volt battery-picture-wire cutters

  • Get your jar with the lid on. Next hammer your nail to make two holes one inch apart on the lid of the jar.
  • Cut your insulated copper wire so they are 18 inch each now trim a an inch or the plastic coating off of each end. Push the copper wires through the two holes so about two inch of the wire can be seen
  • Take your hanging wire to use the individual strands of wire. Twist them into the gap of the two wires (trim what you don't need)
  • Turn the ar upside down over the lid and screw closed. Use electrical tape and type each wire to the battery 2x.
  • Watch your light bulb glow. There you have your homemade light bulb.

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Experimental Results

My key results ended up pretty good. I tested out two batteries out on my project. Both of the batteries worked out good on my project. Both batteries were 6 volts and both made my homemade battery light up. Both batteries had their differences but both managed to work perfectly on my bulb. When the light bulb lit up one battery was faster on lighting it than the other.

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Analysis of Experimental


I learned that the energizer batteries were way better than the duracell batteries. I learned that whenever I buy better batteries I should stick to the one that turned out good on my results which in this point would be the energizer batteries. These results helped me respond my hypothesis because I was right about which brand was going to be better. I always thought that energizer batteries are better and the results game my statement a answer.

Battery kind


Kind of dim


Really bright

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The way my results prove my hypothesis is because I said energizer was going to be a better battery for my homemade light bulb. I was correct and energizer ended up being the one that worked better for the lightbulb. Then energizer battery was a little better then the duracell ones. I have been using energizer for whenever i need batteries which is every so often and I think they have been the best ones. So this result proves that the energizer batteries worked better than the duracell. When I first plugged in the energizer battery it took very little for the wires to start lighting the copper wire up. It had a pretty quick reaction time. When I plugged in the duracell it took a little longer but still lit up although it wasn't as strong as the energizer battery.

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I thank my dad and mom for helping me out for my project. My dad bought me my materias to do it. My mom is the one that helped me when I got stuck and needed a little bit of support. I'm thankful for the support they gave me and will make sure to return to them if i ever need something.

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