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A freely available cataloging code for practical library cataloging

Amber Billey

Systems & Metadata Librarian

Bard College Libraries



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What is Open Cataloging Rules?

  • Open Cataloging Rules (www.opencatalogingrules.org) is is an initiative to create a freely available collaborative cataloging code created by catalogers for catalogers who actually catalog library materials
  • Breaks from theoretical frameworks, oversight committees, and annual subscription fees
  • Open Cataloging Rules utilizes Wikimedia wiki software

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Why is the OCR necessary?

  • Expense
    • Open Access Movement in libraries
    • Library community wanting to move away from proprietary standards
    • More expensive than ever to access our cataloging instructions
  • Inclusion
    • Eliminates “pay-to-play” barriers
    • Open platforms facilitates transparency and empowers participation

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Open Access:

let’s practice what we preach

ISBD is open access

LC Cataloging Manual is open access

PCC recommendations are open access

So, why is our primary cataloging code NOT open access?

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Moving toward open standards


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RDA Pricing Model

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116,867 libraries in the US. If each paid $177 (being generous here)

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More expensive than ever.

AACR cost $9.30 in 1967 (OCLC #458470). If adjusted for inflation, that would be $70.38 in 2019!

Since 2012, institutions have individually spent approximately $1,416 to access the RDA Toolkit so far...

Why not a make an app and sell it for a one-time purchase?

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As of July 2018

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As of July 2018

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Open rules encourages participation

  • Eliminates “pay-to-play” barriers
  • Facilitates transparency
  • Promotes adoption
  • Enables professional cooperation outside of legacy institutional power-structures

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How to get involved

How can catalogers use Open Cataloging Rules?


How can catalogers get involved with the project?

OCR Google Group email discussion list:


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