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Google Classroom

Lesson for Students

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Getting to Google Classroom

  • The fastest way is to type classroom.google.com into the search bar.
  • You can also search “Google Classroom” and it will be one of the top results.
  • Another way is to click the “waffle” (9 dots) icon in the top corner and click Classroom.

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First Time Login

  • If you have never logged in to Google Classroom before, when you get to the website you will click the blue button that says “Go to Classroom.”
  • Log in with your All Saints’ email and password and click “Continue.”
  • Select the “I’M A STUDENT” card on the left so you can join your teacher’s classroom.
    • Please make sure to select the correct role, it cannot be changed.

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Joining your Class

  • Click the + near the top right corner and click “Join class.”
  • Enter the class code given to you by your teacher in the pop up box, then click “Join.”

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Navigating Google Classroom

  • Main Menu (Hamburger)- Access all of your classes, calendar, student work, and settings.
  • Stream- Find announcements from your teacher, upcoming deadlines, and you can post and comment here (if your teacher allows this).
  • Classwork- Find assignments and class materials here.
  • People- You can email your teacher or classmates from here.
  • Waffle (9 Dots)- You can access other Google apps from here.

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Main Menu

View all Classes

View Calendars

View all work for all classes

Each class you are enrolled in will be listed here

Your archived classes

Your Google Classroom settings (you can turn on/off notifications here)

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  • Upcoming assignments will appear in the left sidebar.
  • If your teacher allows you to post, a box will appear at the top next to your icon that says “Share something with your class…” Type something in the box to post. Your teacher approves all posts before they appear. Keep it appropriate!
  • Your teachers can also post announcements here.
  • Notifications of new assignments can also be found here if your teacher posts them, however, always make sure to check the Classwork page to stay up to date!

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  • View your work, turn in status, due dates, and grades for your class.
  • Link to your Google Meet
  • View your Class Calendar, including due dates for your assignments.
  • View your Class Folder in Google Drive
  • Topics for the class appear on the left. Your teacher may choose to organize by topics, materials, units, modules, type of work, day by day, or any other way they choose. Click on a topic to see all assignments for that topic. Topics will also appear as headings over your assignments and materials.

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Assignment View (From Classwork Page)

  • Name of the assignment
  • Due date
  • Assignment status (Assigned, Turned In, Late, or Missing)
  • Instructions for the assignment
  • Rubric (If your teacher chooses to add one)
  • Attached files (if needed) for the assignment
  • Opens the assignment page

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*Note that there is no rubric (#5) for this assignment*

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Assignment View (after clicking on “View Assignment”)

  • Assignment title
  • Due date
  • Instructions
  • Total points (the highest grade you can make)
  • Rubric (if your teacher has added one)
  • Class comments (if your teacher allows class comments; all students can see class comments)
  • Your work (files that you or the teacher has created for this assignment)
  • Add or Create button (click to attach files you have already made or create new ones)
  • Turn In button (once you turn in, you can no longer edit your files)
  • Private comments (use to talk to your teacher to ask questions; only you and the teacher can see these)

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*Note that there is no rubric (#5) for this assignment*










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Turning in Assignments (3 Options)

When turning in assignments, you can:

  • Use the file your teacher attached
    • Click on the attachment under “Your work” with your name on it
    • Enter in your work onto the file
    • Click the “Turn in” button on the document and confirm, OR click the “Turn in” button on the assignment in Google Classroom

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Turning in Assignments (3 Options)

When turning in assignments, you can

  • Attach a file that has already been created
    • Click the “Add or create” button under “Your work,” then select “Google Drive,” “Link,” or “File”
    • Add your work files
    • Select the attachment or copy and paste the URL for a link and click “Add”
      • *You cannot attach a file that you do not own (i.e. if you were not the one to create it, you cannot attach it)*

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Turning in Assignments (3 Options)

When turning in assignments, you can:

  • Create and attach a new file
    • Click the “Add or create” button under “Your work,” then click “Docs,” “Slides,” “Sheets,” or “Drawings.”
    • A new file will be attached and open up in a new window
    • Enter in your work onto the file
    • Click “Turn in” and confirm
      • You can attach or create more than one file
      • To remove an attachment, click the X next to the attachment name

Once you have completed any of these options, the assignment status changes to “Turned in.”

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Insert files from your drive

Add a link

Browse files on your computer or drag them here




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Marking an Assignment as Done

Some assignments will have a “Mark as done” button instead of “Turn in.”

  • On the Classwork page for your class, click on “View Assignment”
  • Complete the assignment
  • Click “Mark as done” and confirm
    • The status of the assignment will change to “Turned In”

*Any assignment marked as done or turned in after the due date is considered late, even if you have previously submitted work before the due date.*

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Unsubmitting an Assignment

If you ever need to make changes to an assignment after you have submitted it, you can Unsubmit it and make your changes.

  • On the Classwork page for your class, click on “View Assignment.”
  • Click “Unsubmit” and confirm

Make sure to resubmit before the due date!

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Answering Question Assignments

  • Due date
  • The question assigned
  • Total points possible
  • Instructions from your teacher
  • Your answer
  • Add a class comment
  • Add a private comment
  • Assignment status
  • Turn in

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Student To-Do: See All Your Work

You have a few different ways you can see your work for a class:

  • See upcoming work on the “Classes” page
  • See all work for one class on the “Your work” page for that class
  • See work arranged by topic on the “Classwork” page
  • Filter work by class on the To-do page

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Student To-Do: See All Your Work

The “To-do” page allows you to see all of your work for all of your classes in one place. Click “To-do” from the Main Menu to see this page.

  • Assigned- Here you can see a list of assignments that are pending. Click on an assignment title to go directly to that page
  • Missing- Here you can see any work that you are missing for your classes
  • Done- Here you can see a list of the assignments that you have completed
  • To filter your work by class, click the drop down arrow next to “All classes” and select the class you are looking for

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