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John (Jay) Salerno

Director of Educational Technology | Newington (CT) Public Schools



Presentations Landing Page:


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Googlify Your Digital Classroom-- Navigating the Features in Google Forms for Digital Learning


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Google Forms is a tremendously powerful and effective tool that when utilized correctly with Distance Learning can transform the learning experience for all. The focus of this session will be how to not only how to create forms to collect data and create formative assessment tools, but also how to analyze the data. In addition, many of the Forms add-ons in order to enhance the experience will also be demonstrated.


Session Description

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Ways to Use Google Forms

  • Creating assessments for students (Integrate with Google Classroom).
  • Building easy-to-use rubrics that can be shared with students.
  • Collecting web-based assignments.
  • Soliciting feedback from parents or students.
  • Choose your own adventure or differentiation.

*Article from EdTech Magazine

5 Time Saving Google Forms Tips


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The two “untitled form” headings are not connected to each other.

This title will only be visible to you and is what the form will appear as in your list of documents. You can change the title by clicking on the words “untitled form”

This title will be visible to anyone filling out the form. You can change the title by clicking on the words “untitled form”

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Layout and Settings

Change color and theme

Preview form

Email, hyperlink, or embed your form for others to complete

Form settings: these used to be headers and footers with options such as requiring log in and adding a custom message - now they’re all in one spot

Clicking on the three-dots will reveal menu at right


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Color and Theme

Clicking here will bring up the color palette so you can change the background color

Clicking here will bring up a window where you can select a theme or create your own


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Choose from a list of themes, or create your own by clicking on “Upload photos”


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Formatting Questions

Click to change question type (i.e. short answer, paragraph, checkboxes, etc.)

Duplicate Question

Click on the two lines to drag/ re-order question(s)

Delete Question

Options: hint text, go to page based on answer, shuffle question order

Add question

Add section title and description

Add image

Add video

Add section


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Adding Images

Click to add an image to either the question or answers


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Click here to view live responses with pie charts below

Click here to view responses in a Google Sheet (then you can run Flubaroo and other add-ons)

Click here when you no longer want to accept responses (it will turn red when you do)

Clicking on the three vertical dots will bring up response choices

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flubaroo website

flubaroo can:

  • easily grade online assessments (using Forms)
  • send emails to the submitters
  • help analyze data


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Formatting Questions

*Courtesy of Eric Curts (http://www.controlaltachieve.com/)


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Let’s Explore and Create!


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Advanced Features & Add-ons


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*Horse Feathers (1932), Paramount Pictures

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Restricting Access


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Digital Breakouts

Utilizing Digital Breakouts to Promote Collaboration and Team Building | Resources


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Password Protection


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Designating Access


ID is sal3045



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Creating the Expression

First Student =concatenate(Cell, “|”)

Second Student =concatenate(S1 Cell, S2 Cell, “|”)

Then Fill down

Copy and Paste into Forms


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Data Validation

  • Numbers
    • Greater/less than
  • Text
    • Contains
    • URL
    • Email Address


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What is an add-on?

Advanced Features & Add-ons

  • Add-ons add some extra oomph and make Google Apps more powerful


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Advanced Features & Add-ons

  • Choice Eliminator 2
  • Form Notifications
  • formLimiter
  • Form Values
  • g(Math) for Forms
  • EquatIO


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Advanced Features & Add-ons

Choice Eliminator website

It eliminates choices from a form with question types:

  • multiple choice
  • list
  • checkboxes


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Choice Eliminator


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Form Notifications

Form Notifications website

  • Form can be set up to email the submitter
  • Triggers on user hitting submit button
  • Can contain custom message in email
  • Can notify form owner, also


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Form Notifications


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formLimiter website

Forms can be shut down:

  • When a certain # of submissions occur
  • On a certain date (and/or time)
  • When a cell in the Sheet equals a set value


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Form Values

Form Values website

Form Values creates a Sheet with Value Lists that can be added to Forms for multiple choice, list, and checkbox questions.


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Form Values

Form Values


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g(Math) for Forms

g(Math) for Forms website

Create graphs, statistical displays, multiple choice questions, and write complex math directly in your Form!


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Advanced Features & Add-ons


EquatIO Easily create mathematical equations, formulas and quizzes. Intuitively type or handwrite, with no tricky math code to learn. (Introduction)


5 Ways to Use EquatIO

EquatIO Playlist

EquatIO Mathspace

LaTex Math

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Sandbox Time!

Sandbox Time!


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Learn More! Stay Connected!


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