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Welcome to Winter Quarter!


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Solidworks Workshop (1/19)

Social Game Night (1/26)

Come learn new Solidworks techniques!

Game night with a gift card to the winner!

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Guest Speaker: Sara Della Ripa

  • Cal Poly Alum
  • Worked on the JADA device as an intern for Alydia Health
  • Won Innovation Quest grant for paper-based test for predicting hemorrhage
  • Fieldwork in Uganda
  • Developed curriculum for women’s health in engineering at Cal Poly
  • Maternal Health Advisor at Equalize Health
  • Alydia Health Story: https://calpolynews.calpoly.edu/news_releases/2020/october/jada
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-della-ripa/

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Project Updates

Epipen Redesign:

  • Team Leads: Kaisei Tokita (ktokita@calpoly.edu) & Kaajal Khanna (knkhanna@calpoly.edu)

Electrolyte Monitor:

  • Team Lead: Ally Lai (alai09@calpoly.edu)

Pain Evaluation:

  • Lilly Williams (lwilli36@calpoly.edu)

Portable Gluten Sensor:

  • Tanvi Gehani (tgehani@calpoly.edu)

Seizure Prediction Device:

  • Ellie Kurzrock (ekurzroc@calpoly.edu) & Drew Evans (aevans36@calpoly.edu)

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Microsoft Teams!

  • Join through the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a0154dc65bf50470998be8b58f19ab305%40thread.skype/conversations?groupId=597dae8d-63a1-4e18-938b-1b1603ab0ba2&tenantId=1b0d02db-fc9e-4495-9537-1d379cca2ae7
  • Look out for event announcements and updates on what’s going on with MDC!

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Scavenger Hunt?

  • Draw or find a picture of the old MDC logo
  • Who is the current BMED department chair?
  • Who is the Medical Design Club faculty advisor?
  • What is the former name of the EMPOWER CP Student Association?
  • What was the topic of MDC’s third workshop last quarter?

6) Name 3 BMED-related labs (e.g. Tissue Engineering Lab)

7) Name 3 companies working in “medical design”

8) What is the room number of the MDC club room?

9) Name 2 places to 3D print on campus (post-pandemic)

10) Name one medical design-related company/startup that was founded at Cal Poly

Write down you answers and call us into your breakout room to check as soon as you’re done!

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Sticker Winners!

  • Please send your email to Ally in the chat and we’ll contact you to get stickers sent out!

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Stay in Touch!

  • Website: https://medicaldesign.calpoly.edu
    • Check out Calendly on the Website!
  • Instagram: @medical_design_club
  • Join Mailing List: MDC Mailing List

  • Reminder: Guest Speaker Sara Della Ripa presenting next week