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Bug Limit GP Any% Guide

Based on LouLouCore’s BL GP WR run: https://www.speedrun.com/botw/run/m364l7dm

Initially based on Player 5’s BL Any% WR run:


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Things to know before starting your first run:

Game language - German for fastest loading times

Whistle sprinting & Throw sprinting (Glitch) - https://youtu.be/JRiw8GuFnzk

Fall damage cancelling (Glitch) - https://youtu.be/DKx7By2k66E

Shield jumping - Start shield surfing during a forward jump for extra distance/height [X>ZL(Hold)>A] + unequipping your shield before landing & re-equipping after landing to save durability.

Spin attack double hits - Facing away from an object while spin attacking it to get double hits.

Not a lot to learn at all. :)

Use LouLouCore’s WR run (first slide) as a video guide and then read this guide at the part you want more information about. It is also expected that you always manage your stamina well so that it never runs out.

Important: How the text wraps around the images in this guide might be a bit wonky on phones.

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Part 1


From the Shrine of Resurrection to the Great Plateau Tower.

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1. Start a New Game, but don’t start your timer yet.

Wait for the first part of the cutscene to end, then when at

the second subtitle of this part

spam [+] and [X] to skip the

cutscene. START your timer the

instant you skip the cutscene.

Your timer should start in the

negatives and hit zero about

the same time you gain control

of Link.

2. Hold [B] and the [L stick] in this position to sprint to the first terminal as fast as possible.

Spam [B] when an item/dialogue box pops up (as should be done throughout the entire run) and then wait

for the door opening cutscene to end. Be holding sprint and forward already to get to the second terminal as fast as possible. Skip through the boxes and wait for the cutscene to end. Sprint towards the exit while managing your stamina by whistle sprinting to be able to climb jump up the wall once. Just before getting to the wall, jump while holding forward to latch on, then press [X] again to climb jump up the wall. Sprint towards the exit. A cutscene will be triggered.

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3. After the cutscene is complete sprint towards and to the left of the stick on the ground (don’t pick it up) until you reach this rock, then run along the ledge of the cliff until you line up with the axe in the log. Continue straight and pass just to the left of the axe to pick it up. Continue forwards until you reach some ruins and run on top of the small wall to the left of them. Continue straight until you get a cutscene at about


4. After the cutscene keep on sprinting forward past this tree* and towards

the left side of this hill. When you reach this tree start throw sprinting in

place of whistle sprinting to not alert the hill bokoblins. Whistle sprint here to alert the hill bokoblins and pick up a minimum of 4 arrows from the trail of arrows on the ground while sprinting towards the left boko and then dash attack the left bokoblin, press attack again, jump cancel the attack and press [A] to immediately pick up the bow the bokoblin drops - [Y>Y>X>A]. Sprint to the left towards another bokoblin, alerting it with a whistle sprint. When you reach the bokoblin, dash attack it and jump cancel the attack to immediately pick up the shield it drops. Sprint towards the buried tower’s terminal and activate it.

SPLIT your timer when Link falls over in the cutscene.


*Food detour next slide

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Tower food

*1. Instead of running past the apple tree run slightly to the left of it and then jumping diagonally right past it just as you reach the tree whilst spamming [A] (very important to delay collecting the hyrule herb to make sure Link gets enough height) as fast as possible to collect the hyrule herb next to the tree and the 2 apples hanging from the tree. This trick is slightly difficult.

This gives you enough healing (2 hearts) for the snowy sections of the run. Getting no food is also possible but requires perfection in snowy sections. Continue the run normally on the previous slide.

Let the GIF load.

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Part 2


From the Great Plateau Tower to the Magnesis Shrine.

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After the screen fades away from black spam [+] and [X] to skip the cutscene. Wait for this cutscene to end and then wait for the screen to fade away from black again and spam [+]

plus [X]. Buffer forwards sprint and almost immediately press jump to fall off the tower. Do a fall damage cancel and if done successfully you will be graced by the old german man shouting “Oi, hoh hooooh!”. Blast through his dialogue by selecting the options 1, 2, 2 and 1. Spamming [B] makes you select option 2 automatically so be weary of that. After the old man stops talking run to the top of the hill in front of Link and perform an instant shield surf. Jump while shield surfing on this slope and then cancel the shield surf whilst mid-air. Start shield surfing when you reach this slope. Jump while shield surfing just before hitting the water. Press [X] just before reaching the dead guardian to walk up onto it, then sprint jump towards the closest land and start running up the hill directly toward Magnesis Shrine. Sprint along the edge of the pond in front of the shrine and go activate the terminal. Always spam [X] to skip the shrine cut -scenes. Go into the shrine.

*~2. Hold sprint and up-left before being able to con -trol Link and activate the terminal. After the 36 second long time sink run towards the metal plates and yoink it out of the way by pressing [L] and using Link’s momentum and the left stick (up) and then cancelling the Magnesis- (next slide)

*forgor to number the sections

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- once the plate has enough air. *Walk* off the ledge by slightly turning away from ledge’s perpendicular just before falling off to make sure Link doesn’t plunge into the water. Run towards the stairs at the end of the tunnel and jump up the side of them. Run towards the metal cube in the stone wall and just before reaching it use Magnesis on it. The right stick should not be moved; just run forward until you are through the wall. Run past the Guardian Scout. You will have to run in a non-straight line to make sure the guardian laser doesn’t hit you. Perform a shield jump over the gap and open the metal doors by pulling them towards you [D-pad down] while running forwards. Activate the monk’s “cube” and SPLIT when the cube shatters.

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Part 3


From the Magnesis Shrine to the Cryonis Shrine.

Risk of dying to cold.

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1. It is important to not skip the cutscene after the Spirit Orb box immediately ever, instead press [X] when the monk’s dialogue fades into an unreadable mist. This will save quite a lot of loading time. Once you are outside the shrine the old man will make his interesting noises again. Select the options 2, 1, 1 and 2. Spamming [B] is not a problem this time. After the old man finishes his long-winded conversation jump and then press [-] to then teleport to the Shrine of Resurrection.

2. Get up the wall by using the same strats again and then run along the left wall outside the exit of the shrine. Run until you reach the wall where some mushrooms are. Whistle sprint up the wall until you latch on and climb jump up the wall 3 times. Run a- long the stone wall and sprint through the middle of the trees. Run straight until you reach this slope and then start shield surfing once you can land on the snowy part. Immediately be banking towards the right and jump to get a gravity boost from this slope. Keep going and get another boost from this slope.

Jump here to get over a small slope.

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Jump soon after again to get yet another boost. No more jumps are required; just continue forwards until you stop shield surfing automati -cally. Run to the bridge

FYI: The snow surfing route described is just a general guide. There

are many ways to snow surf to the bridge almost just as fast.

3. Perform a shield jump onto the bridge (pretty tight) and run to the moun-

tian. Whistle sprint up the moun -tian to this point.

Climb jump 2 times up and 1 time to the

left diagonal. Immediately

start whistle sprinting to the left up the

mountain to this point and

climb jump up the mountain 3

times. At this point you should

eat your Hyrule Herb. Run

towards the shrine.

Climb up this ledge.

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Go into Cryonis Shrine.

4. Once inside activate the terminal. After those 36 seconds run to the puddle and jump onto a cryonis pillar to get up the wall. Continue running until you reach a gate and use cryonis to lift it. Next up is the Cryonis Skip. Put a cryonis pillar about here and press [X>ZL>A] in quick succession to shield surf onto the pillar. When the pillar is almost at maximum height press [X] and shortly after unequip your shield, canceling the shield surf. Re-equip your shield. Activate the monk box and SPLIT when the cube shatters.

~ An alternative to Cryonis Skip is going the normal route of the shrine and placing a cryonis pillar below the right side of the balance and jumping on it immediately. Cryonis Skip really isn’t that difficult after some practice though.

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Part 4


From the Cryonis Shrine to the Stasis Shrine.

Extra risk of dying to cold.

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1. After exiting Cryonis Shrine start shield surfing from above the bokoblin camp

and turn 90 degrees right to go down the hill. Turn left and

stop shield surfing here. Shield surf

over the ledge and shield jump

up the small ledge making sure

to cancel your shield shield to

save your shield. Run to the of the

hill. Start shield

surfing at the top and go around the river (right). Run up here and jump to start shield

surfing down here.

Jump at the small

incline and take this route, surfing off the


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Cancel the shield surf and do a fall damage cancel here.

Run to the shrine terminal and enter the shrine.

2. After entering you have to activate the terminal as fast as possible to make sure

that you don’t miss the shrine’s first ‘cycle’. After getting the stasis rune freeze the cog

once the platform levels and run over it. The animation of putting something into

stasis can be canceled by pressing [R>B] quickly.

When you are al- most over the platform cancel the stasis

on the cog and jump to get over the platform, which is now

rotating again. Stasis the boulder through the fence once your stasis is recharged and run along the left side of the ball’s runway. Run to the

boulder in front of the monk cube and perform a shield jump to get

past it. Activate the monk cube and SPLIT once the cube


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Part 5


From the Stasis Shrine to the Bombs Shrine.

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1. Once outside run to the boulder to the left behind you. Stasis it once close, face parallel to it and start spin attacking it with your axe whilst rotating around it clockwise to get some double hits. Cancel the spin attack by pressing [B] when the stasis arrow turns red and Link is about here.

Link should be about right underneath this corner of the boulder.

Shoot an arrow to the right of the white spot.

Jump onto the boulder and let your left stick

go to neutral and immediately flick up on the

left stick. Link will latch onto the boulder*. This

should launch Link to about here.

Press [B] to fall off the boulder

when close to the ground. *Make sure not to move once the boulder gets launched.

2. Run to this tree and spin attack it twice cancelling on the second hit and then immediately stasis the falling tree [Hold Y>B>L>A].

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Face away from the tree and start spin attacking it to hit it 4 times. Cancel the spin attack and attack it once [Hold Y>B>Y>X]. Shoot it with an arrow here at that angle (use tree patterns) towards the middle of two distant trees.

Latch onto the tree from the side

to get launched to the entrance of Bombs Shrine. Let go

when above the shrine entrance and go inside.

3. Activate the terminal inside the shrine and bomb

the first wall quickly. Switch to square bomb and continue running until you get here, then press [X>L] to drop a bomb below link. Run to the furthest corner of next wall. Press [L] to blow up the square bomb and select the circle bomb. Proceed up the ladder, press [L] and then throw the bomb onto the platform when it’s almost halfway back across. Blow up the bomb when it falls off to break the wall. Go onto the platform. Everything must be done fast up until this point otherwise you won’t catch to the moving platform while it’s moving back towards Link.

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Perform a shield double jump when the platform is almost halfway to the opposite ledge. Run to here and throw the bomb towards this area. Blow it up when it reaches said area on the wall. Go right and climb up the ladder. Run towards the monk cube and activate it.

SPLIT when the cube shatters.

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Part 6


From the Bombs Shrine to the Temple of Time’s tallest spire.

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1. Once outside the shrine the old man will reveal his ghostly form (shocking) after you spam [B] through his dialogue. Afterwards, blow up the wall in front of Link and run through it. Shoot the guardian before going into its line of sight to skip the cutscene. Run past the guardian and

go through the broken part of the wall to the left. Run up this hill and go to this tree. Perform the same ‘tree stasis launch’ inputs from before but this

time hit the tree until

red and shoot the

tree at a high angle

while lined up with

left side of the spire. Latch onto the tree and

fly to this spot. Drop off the tree and jump to climb up the ledge to trigger the final cutscenes of the run. Spam [+] and [X] until you see (plot twist o.o) King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule’s face head on. Spam [B] to skip his majesty’s dialogue. SPLIT for the last time the moment you claim the paraglider from him ([B]).

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Guide completed!

That’s time! A good time is sub 22:00 and LouLouCore got a time of 20:18. This is an intermediate BOTW run, so it will take a little practice. Practice the tricks you struggle with first to be able to complete a run all the way through without any shaky areas. Then it’s just about being as optimal as possible!

Just something extra: the rough path this guide takes on a map. Colour coded to the parts of the guide.

Yellow circle is start and red

circle is end.