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K-12 Empowering Students and Inspiring Learning Through Assessment


Mark Raffler

Kent ISD

ELA Consultant


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In partner groups discuss . . .

  • What does assessment look like now in your classroom/building/district?
  • How has it changed? How might it change?

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  • Analyze the missing conditions of classroom assessment literacy that must be in place in local school
  • Analyze what it feels like to be evaluated in the classroom from the student’s perspective
  • Investigate strategies for engaging students in self-assessment in ways that maximize their engagement and confidences as they learn

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  • Welcome
  • Outcomes
  • Book Readings
  • Conversation Point
  • Jurying Process
  • Final Reflections
  • Journaling

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Let’s look at young Rick.

Say Something Strategy . . . Find partners - A and B

Read pages 26, 27.

State a key point of learning

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Winning Streak or Losing Streak?

Say Something Strategy . . . Find partners - A and B

Read pages 46, 47.

State a key point of learning

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What might it look like?

Say Something Strategy . . . Find partners - A and B

Read pages 51-54.

State a key point of learning

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Conversation Point?

What are some possible ways that we can involve students in assessment?

�What are some possible ideas to involve students in tracking their own data, while preserving self-confidence?

What are some possible ways we could revolutionize our approach to assessment?

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The Jurying Process

  • Selected Response
  • Constructed Response
  • Technology Enhanced
  • Performance Task

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“As we go, keep in mind that assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning for the purpose of informing instructional decisions. Good evidence leads to good decisions and greater student learning; poor quality evidence feeds into counterproductive decisions that inhibit learning.” Revolutionize Assessment pg. 12

What excites you about today’s learning?

What questions would you like to explore further about today's learning?

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Final Reflection