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Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 2


Random Q’s



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The vocab word meaning 2N

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The vocabulary word meaning 1N

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Sister Chromatids

The 2 connected chromatids are called…

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The center portion holding the 2 chromatids together is called…

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Polar Bodies

Formed after Meiosis in females only and are lacking cytoplasm

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A group of 4 chromatids

or 2 sister chromatids


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Crossing Over

process in genetics by which the two chromosomes of a homologous pair exchange equal segments with each other.

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Female Meiosis

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Male Meiosis

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Division in sex cells

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Each parent contributes _____

Chromosomes a piece.

23=46 TOTAL

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Interphase (Synthesis)

In this phase chromosomes are replicated

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Prophase I

In this phase, the tetrads form and crossing over occurs here

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The end of Meiosis II, ____ daughter cells are formed.

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Sperm Cells

After Meiosis II, males produce 4 _______.

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Cyclin & CDK

This protein tells the cell when to divide

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The overgrowth of cells forming a tumor is known as…

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If an organism’s diploid # is 12, then it’s haploid # is_____.

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The # of chromosomes in a gamete is represented by what symbol?

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Cell plate in plant cells will be visible, in animal cells a cleavage furrow will be visible

How do you know if a cell dividing is a plant or animal cell?

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Cell divides into 2 ________ cells before it gets too big.

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This is the phase where the cell grows and DNA is replicated

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G1, S, G2

3 Parts of Interphase

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Chromosomes become visible, chromatin condenses to form sister chromatids, centrioles separate, spindle fibers appear,

nucleus & nucleolus disappear

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In this phase, sister chromatids separate and move to opposite ends (poles) of the spindle fibers

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Spindle fibers arise from what cell structure?

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Move chromosomes around the cell

What do spindle fibers do?

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No, b/c cyclin is the stimulator of Mitosis

Would cyclin be useful in a cell that is already undergoing Mitosis?

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During what phase of Mitosis or Meiosis do chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell?

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Genetic Variety

What is the purpose of crossing over?