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Index Fossils

SC: I can answer questions about Earth’s history using fossil evidence

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Why learn about sedimentary rocks and fossils?

They store evidence of past environments. They tell us the stories of what life was like in the past.

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What are fossils?

  • Fossils are the remains of ancient plants or animals (or other past stuff)
  • They are one of the ways used to date layers of rock

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Types of Fossils

1. Petrification – minerals take the place of the once living plant or animal

  • Petrified wood is one example

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Types of Fossils

  • 2. Trace – Imprints, tracks, impressions, and waste left behind by plants and animals
  • Examples:
    • dinosaur footprint
    • leaf imprint
    • coprolites

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Types of Fossils

  • 3. Preserved – actual remains of a plant or animal that have not decayed
  • Examples:
    • Mummification
    • Insects in amber

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Types of Fossils

  • Examples:
    • Remains in tar

    • Freezing

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  • Why are fossils only found in sedimentary rock?
  • Why are there few fossils of bacteria?
  • What do you call a scientist who studies fossils?
  • What is the name we give to fossils that are especially important in dating the age of rocks?

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Index Fossils

  • Index fossils are those used to date the age of rocks.
  • Because radiometric dating doesn’t work on sedimentary rock.
  • Four Criteria to be an index fossil:

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Scattered Over a Wide Area

  • Found on 2 or more continents.
  • Most ocean dwelling creatures are widespread due to the few natural barriers in the ocean.
  • The more places they are found the more they can be used to correlate with other layers.

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Distinguishing Features

  • A body structure found in fossils which can help scientists tell this species apart from similar species.

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Lived for a short period of time

  • The shorter amount of time the species existed the better index fossil the species makes.
  • Because the date of the rock they are found in will be narrower.
  • Not individuals, the whole species.

Great Good Enough

100,000Years 3-10 Million Years

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Abundant = Large Number

  • The more there are of them the easier they are to find and use.

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  • Trilobites are an important index fossil that lived 400 mya (million years ago)

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Clues to the Past

  • Fossils give clues to the past!
  • For instance, fossils of marine (ocean) animals have been found all around Colorado.
  • What does this tell us about Colorado?

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Index Fossils

Index Fossils

Paradoxides pinus

Perisphinctes tiziani

Pecten Gibbus

What Characteristics do Index Fossils have in common?

NON-Index Fossils

Tyrannosaurus Rex


Why are these not index fossils?

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Principle of Correlation

A way to relatively date rock layers by comparing the rock layers and fossils in different locations. 

Correlating Rock Layers Rock layers that contain the same fossils are the same age.

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Concept of Correlation 

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Concept of Correlation 

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