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Welcome to the Nurse’s Office at NCMS!

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Contact Information for the School Nurse

Rachel Emery, RN

Office Number # 305-3596

Fax # 333-1926



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The role of the School Nurse is to promote/support the health of all students so they may work to their maximum potential at school.

  • First Aid/Emergency Medical Care
  • Daily meds/treatments
  • Medical records
  • Health screenings
  • Communicate with/educate families about health related issues

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Covid Concerns

On the minds of everyone is the current pandemic and Covid -19 virus.

Here at NCMS, we follow the guidelines put forth by the RI Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control. The link to the “Playbook” that we use to identify all Covid-19 response protocols is: Outbreak Response Protocols: Pre K-12

To prevent transmission of this virus at school,

  • All students must wear masks at all times except at lunch
  • Students must maintain at least a 3 foot distance from each other in classrooms and in the cafeteria, and up to 6 feet distance whenever possible.
  • Frequent hand washing and cleaning of desks/other surfaces is expected by all members of the NCMS community

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As a general rule, children should NOT come to school

(and may be dismissed) with the following:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Cold with runny nose/uncontrolled secretions or cough
  • Headache or pain which prevents student from functioning in school
  • Unusual rash or hives
  • Any untreated communicable condition, such as strep throat or conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Students may return to school after being afebrile, symptom free, or on medication for at least 24 hours.

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Early Dismissal Info

If a student’s symptoms warrant an

early dismissal, the nurse will contact

the parent directly to discuss the student’s medical status.

Per district policy, students should NOT contact their parents directly during school hours to ask about going home. No student should be picked up by a parent for early dismissal for medical reasons without involving the nurse’s office.

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Medicines Available

in the Nurse’s Office

  • Tylenol/Motrin: Fever, headache, pain
  • Cough drops: Cough, sore throat
  • TUMS: Upset stomach
  • Bacitracin for cuts/abrasions
  • Benadryl: Allergic reaction/significant allergies

If you do not want your child to receive any of the above medications, please notify the school nurse.

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Allergies and Anaphylactic Reactions

Allergy: Highly sensitive reaction to a substance by the body’s immune system

Anaphylaxis: Acute, rapidly progressing, potentially life-threatening reaction which can lead to death if left untreated.

Common Allergens: Peanuts/ tree nuts, eggs, dairy, fresh fruits, bee stings

Treatment: Benadryl, EpiPen, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

If your child has a severe allergy and needs an EpiPen at school, please contact the school nurse.

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Any student that has been witnessed to or reports hitting their head needs to be assessed by the school nurse.

Parents are always notified when a hit of any kind has been reported to the head area, regardless of degree. The presence of an “egg” usually warrants early dismissal.

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Meeting State Mandates for

Health Exams and Screenings

Physical Exam

Required from all students entering 7th grade. May be performed during their 6th grade year up to and no later than six months after their entry into 7th grade. All athletes must have a PE within one year of the dates of the sport’s season.

Dental Screening

Performed on all 7th grade students who do not submit a signed yellow dental card from their dentist.

Vision Screening

Performed on all 7th grade students unless already documented by their PMD

Scoliosis Screening

Performed on all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students unless documented by their PMD

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Wellness Policy Compliance

  • The distribution of candy by students and staff is prohibited in the classroom/school grounds

  • The use of food or candy as a reward, incentive, or punishment in the classroom or school environment is prohibited (unless part of a comprehensive behavior improvement plan or IEP)

  • Classroom and school celebrations will not include food, except on a limited basis, with principal approval. In all cases, the food/beverage must meet nutrition standards, be commercially purchased/prepared, or provided by the district food service provider.

  • Students will have access to free, safe, fresh drinking water at all times throughout the school day and are allowed to bring water bottles into the classroom.