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"I just want to eat something tasty. If possible something easy and tasty !"

Mo is 25 years old. He owns a small cafe in Belfast and he lives with his partner and 2 dogs. He always wakes up early in the morning, around 5am, to be able to open the cafe for 7am. The morning are always busy with people coming for breakfast and coffee. The afternoons are quite and he has time to take his dogs for a walk, to read a book or read the news.

Mo loves to eat! He loves any type of food from the Mediterranean cuisine, to the Asian cuisine. When the cafe’ is not busy, he always searches the web to find new restaurants and new places to try out.

Mo loves going out with his partner and his friends. Once, he drove to Dublin just because one of his customers told him about this new vegan restaurant just open a few months before.

Mo just loves spending time with friends and family, he just loves having a good mean and having a good time! The only problem he has is time, he’s always busy at the cafe and he would benefit for someone to find him good restaurants!

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Patricia is 18 years old and has just finished her A - Levels.

She is not sure she wants to go to university next year. She has decided to take one year gap and try to find a job she likes. She doesn’t really know which job, and she would really like to get some advice from experts or maybe from other people who found themselves in her situation when they were young.

Patricia is very creative! She loves stories. She loves reading any type of books and she enjoys reading news, blogs and articles about storytelling methods. Her dream is to write her own book, one day!

Patricia lives in Leeds with 3 of her cousins.


Find an interesting job Not enough time to read

Books are expensive



Writing stories

Spending time with friends

"I love reading! And writing! My dream is to write my own book...one day!"

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"It starts as sadness then I feel myself shutting down, becoming less capable of coping. Eventually, I just feel numb and empty."

“I have been living with depression for a while now. I think it started soon after my second child was born over 3 years ago, but I can’t pin down exactly when or why it started, which is one of the hardest things.

I live in a beautiful part of the country, have a loving husband and two amazing children. I have a job I enjoy, my own house, and some wonderful friends and family. So why do I feel so bad? Not being able to blame anything specific is the most frustrating part of how I feel. I just don’t know where to start to get better.

I have forgotten how to appreciate the little things.I know I can go to the doctor, take medicines and ask friends for help and support, but getting better has to come from me.

But I do have a plan. I am going to try new things. I have recently joined a running group as exercise is good for the mind. It’s true, I do feel better afterwards. I have also joined a choir because I loved music at school and it means I have met a whole new group of people.

I know I also need to make some changes that are a little less tangible. I think I need to be more mindful of what is going on around me. I spend quite a lot of time outdoors but don’t really ever take in what I see. The changing autumn leaves, a stunning sunrise or sunset; I am often so consumed by my own thoughts that these go unnoticed. Noticing these things again would help bring in a glimmer of colour and a touch of joy. Then maybe, just maybe, bit by bit life will become rich with colour and joy again.

So that is what I am going to do. I will do it and I believe life will get better. Getting started is always the hardest part.”

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"I love travelling with friends to our favourite locations, but I also like visiting new places by myself."

Nico is a 50 year old man, married with 3 kids. He loves travelling and spending time with his friends and family.

He really enjoys going to the beach and travelling whenever he can, whether it’s to Paris or back home to Madrid to see his family.

He says:

“I don’t mind travelling alone if it’s a place I’m familiar with, but I would rather travel to new places with my family or people I know.

I want to find new places I haven’t been and discover new cities, new restaurants, new theatres, new cultures.

In the past, I travelled by myself but arranged to meet some friends at destination. I live in Birmingham and my friends live in London. We all travelled alone and met in Edinburgh for a long weekend. I loved it! Because I hadn’t seen them for a while and it was just nice to spend time together! We had long chats, long walks, we went to new restaurants, …

When I travel by myself or with my friends, it would be nice if my family would know where I am at all time and would be able to see what I see.”