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What happened at the 1st Continental Congress?


Be a good human

January 20, 2021

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The Tea Act & The Intolerable Acts

Lord North

New Prime Minister, 1770

Enacted policies to keep colonies quiet

Passed Tea Act

Led to Boston Tea Party

One of the earliest �organized political efforts �by women (1774, Edenton,�North Carolina)

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London officials wanted colonists to pay for the tea party

Some believed stricter laws would unite colonies

1774: Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts)

Used as punishment

First one closed Boston’s port

Others enacted royal� governor in Massachusetts� and more rules about � quarantining soldiers

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The Quebec Act

Expanded Quebec province south into the Ohio River and east to the Mississippi River

Britain won French territory�after the French & Indian�War

Settlers there were used� to French law

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French Catholics now guaranteed rights

Colonists alarmed

Thought the act would limit chances of settling western frontier

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The First Continental Congress

Intolerable Acts unified colonies

Many sent food and money to Massachusetts


September 1774: Philadelphia delegates met

Agreed that each colony would�have 1 vote regardless of size

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All colonies agreed Parliament had too much control

Congress issued Declaration of Rights

Protest Great Britain’s actions

Accepted Parliament’s right to regulate trade

Removal of British troops

Repeal taxes & Intolerable Acts

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Further boycotts

Not to import or use British goods

Stop most exports to Britain

Minutemen Colonial soldiers who would be

ready to resist a British attack with short


Continental Congress met again in spring

Would decide on any further action

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Lexington & Concord

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The Battles of Lexington & Concord

War began before Continental Congress met

Colonists drilled in village commons

General Thomas Gage (British�commander) became more hostile �to colonists

Had officers survey countryside

Marched troops - intimidation

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April 1775

King George III ordered Gage to�arrest colonial leaders

Specifically wanted Samuel�Adams & John Hancock

Capture gunpowder - stored in Concord

Surprise attack: April 18, 1775

700 troops crossed Charles River for Concord

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Spreading the Alarm

Colonial leaders knew something was brewing

Secret alarm raiders had been set up to warn minutemen

About 30 men who would ride along �countryside warning others about �action taken by British

Minutemen were ready for conflict

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Paul Revere

Most famous of those riders

Silversmith, engraver, Sons of Liberty member

Warned Adams and Hancock in Lexington

Outran 2 British guards,�warned everyone en�route to Lexington

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Any social media, really

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William Dawes started in Lexington (Revere learned of the news with him)

After meeting in Lexington, warned�Hancock and Adams

Went to Concord, joined by Dr. Samuel Prescott

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British surrounded them, held Revere

Dawes and Prescott went to Concord

Upon getting to Concord, British troops heard the guns

Let Revere free, went back to �Hancock and Adams

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Lexington & Concord

Alarm bells rang, 700 British troops were noisy

Minutemen waited quite some time, some left

70 were left, realized they were outnumbered, captain ordered them to leave

Several accounts - one stating�British troops charged

In the chaos, someone fired a shot

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More shots fired

8 colonists died, more wounded

British went to Concord

Met hundreds of minutemen

Used or hid gunpowder

More shots fired, British retreated to Boston

Colonists hid and fired on them

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The shot heard ‘round the world

Ralph Waldo Emerson

July 4, 1837: Wrote a poem dedicated to a monument for Concord

Grandfather fought there

“Here once the embattled farmers stood / �And fired the shot heard ’round the world.”

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Right Now

On Google Classroom, there’s an assignment about Lexington and Concord.

That’s due Friday, January 22.

I’m giving you the rest of this period to start it.

If you work together, let me know who you worked with.