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Slides for Model 6

Spring 2018

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Day 1

Wednesday, May 2

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Bell Ringer

What do you remember about the characteristics of life?

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Topic: Somatic Cell Reproduction

  • 6.1- I can analyze how cells grow and reproduce in terms of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.


5 of 56

What is the cell cycle?

Conduct some research and fill out the table below.

Define the Cell Cycle.

What happens in G1 phase?

What happens in S phase?

What happens in G2 phase?

What happens in the M phase?

What is cytokinesis?

6 of 56

Cell Cycle Takeaways

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Cell Division and Cancer (Article on Website)

  • Describe cancer cells.
  • What word describes cell death?
  • What is the Cancer Genome Project?
  • How do cancerous changes arise?
  • What are mutations?
  • What is metastasis?
  • Read the conclusion and write 2 takeaways to share.

8 of 56

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Cell Cycle Takeaways

  • Longest stage is called INTERPHASE
  • 3 steps
    • G1-Growth
    • S-DNA Replication (make a copy of DNA)
    • G2- Growth and prep for Mitosis
  • Cancer cells grow out of control and develop into masses called tumors
    • Cannot perform normal functions
  • Apoptosis- cell dies if it does not pass checkpoint

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Cell Cycle Takeaways

Let’s focus on the M phase.

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Mitosis Lab

  • Copy the diagram into your notebook.
  • Using the pipe cleaners, we will go through the steps of mitosis.
  • Take notes as we go.

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Mitosis Takeaways

  • Cells dividing into TWO cells
    • Identical to parent cell
  • ALL body cells = SOMATIC cells
    • Examples-skin cells, stomach cells, hair cells
  • 4 Stages
    • Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  • Used for GROWTH and REPAIR

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Day 2

Thursday, May 3

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Bell Ringer

What step of mitosis are in the following picture?

Is this a plant cell or an animal cell?








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Cell Division and Cancer (Article on Website)

  • Describe cancer cells.
  • What word describes cell death?
  • What is the Cancer Genome Project?
  • How do cancerous changes arise?
  • What are mutations?
  • What is metastasis?
  • Read the conclusion and write 2 takeaways to share.

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Cell Cycle Takeaways

  • Longest stage is called INTERPHASE
  • 3 steps
    • G1-Growth
    • S-DNA Replication (make a copy of DNA)
    • G2- Growth and prep for Mitosis
  • Cancer cells grow out of control and develop into masses called tumors
    • Cannot perform normal functions
  • Apoptosis- cell dies if it does not pass checkpoint

20 of 56

Mitosis Takeaways

  • Cells dividing into TWO cells
    • Identical to parent cell
  • ALL body cells = SOMATIC cells
    • Examples-skin cells, stomach cells, hair cells
  • 4 Stages
    • Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  • Used for GROWTH and REPAIR

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Essential Question (EQ) 6.1

  • Create a mnemonic device to remember the 4 steps of mitosis in order.

Ex. My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos (planets)

2. What type of cells go through mitosis? List 2 examples.

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Quiz 6.1

  • 6.1- I can analyze how cells grow and reproduce in terms of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.

Socrative App or Website: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/


Write your score on your mastery sheet

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

23 of 56

Quiz 6.1

  • 6.1- I can analyze how cells grow and reproduce in terms of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.

Socrative App or Website: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/


Write your score on your mastery sheet

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

24 of 56

Quiz 6.1 Reflection

Write down your score (1-4) on your Mastery Sheet

  • 4 = Master Student

Reflection task: Graphic Organizer

  • Complete worksheet and get it signed off by Teacher or Master Students. Once signed, show teacher and you can increase your Mastery Level to 4.
  • 3’s will work Independently
  • 2’s will work with Master Students
  • 1’s will work with Teacher

Time: 15 minutes Tape practice over EQ 6.1

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

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Topic: Sexual Reproduction (Meiosis)

  • 6.2- I can explain how cell division and reproduction are related.


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What are chromosomes?

Do a quick search and write it in your notebook.

Share with your table.

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Crossing Over

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Homologous Pairs

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Law of Segregation

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Law of Independent Assortment

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Day 3

Friday, May 4

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Bell Ringer

What is a chromosome?

How many chromosomes does a human have?

What do we call these pairs of chromosomes and where do they come from?

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Mitosis and Meiosis Foldable

Choose 6 words to associate with each

  • Divides twice
  • Body (Somatic)
  • Growth + Repair
  • Sexual Reproduction
  • Gametes (Sex Cells)
  • Divides once

  • Identical to parent
  • Increases genetic variation
  • Diploid (2n)
  • 2 cells produced
  • 4 cells produced
  • Haploid (1n)



All 3 topics are unique to which cell division: Mitosis or Meiosis?

Add them to that section.

Crossing over Independent Assortment Law of Segregation

37 of 56

Complete the Table to compare Mitosis and Meiosis




Cell Type

# of Divisions

# of Cells Created

Diploid or Haploid

Identical to parent?

Genetic Variation?

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Complete the Table to compare Mitosis and Meiosis




Growth + Repair

Sexual Reproduction

Cell Type

Body (Somatic)

Gametes (Sex Cells)

# of Divisions



# of Cells Created



Diploid or Haploid

Diploid (2n)

Haploid (1n)

Identical to parent?



Genetic Variation?



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Model 6 Videos (1st and 4th only)


  • Reyna’s Class Code: keciziv
  • Mitosis, Meiosis, Cell Cycle and Cancer
  • (Choose 2 to watch and answer questions; 3rd will be a bonus)

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Edpuzzle EOC Bonus Review Due 5/21 (Mon)

Join Reyna’s Class with your own Account using a name I can understand- NO SHARING! Individual grades only!

CLASS CODE: buwzoeg

**Bonus Points will be awarded on videos where you score above a 50%

**More videos completed = more points

41 of 56

Edpuzzle EOC Bonus Review Due 5/21

Join the Class with your own Account using a name I can understand- NO SHARING!

CLASS CODE: votmuwe

**Bonus Points will be awarded on videos where you score above a 50%

**More videos completed = more points

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Day 4

Monday, May 7

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Essential Question (EQ) 6.2

  • What are 2 differences between mitosis and meiosis?
  • What 2 types of cells go through meiosis?

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Quiz 6.2

  • 6.2- I can explain how cell division and reproduction are related.

Socrative App or Website: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/


Write your score on your mastery sheet

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

45 of 56

Quiz 6.2

  • 6.2- I can explain how cell division and reproduction are related.

Socrative App or Website: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/


Write your score on your mastery sheet

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

46 of 56

Quiz 6.2 Reflection

Write down your score (1-4) on your Mastery Sheet

  • 4 = Master Student

Reflection task: Graphic Organizer

  • Complete worksheet and get it signed off by Teacher or Master Students. Once signed, show teacher and you can increase your Mastery Level to 4.
  • 3’s will work Independently
  • 2’s will work with Master Students
  • 1’s will work with Teacher

Time: 15 minutes Tape practice over EQ 6.2

90 + → 4

70-80 → 3

60-50 → 2

<40 → 1

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Topic: Using cell division in Biotech

  • 6.3- I can explain the basic concept of changes in DNA (GMO, transgenic, cancer)


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Biotech Webquest

Visit our class website: tinyurl.com/bioreyna

  • GMOs
  • Pros and Cons of GMOs
  • Ethics of Biotechnology
  • Human Genome Project, Gene therapy, Stem cell research, Cloning

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Day 5

Tuesday, May 8


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Bell Ringer

Draw the steps of the cell cycle and mitosis in order.

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Biotech Takeaways

  • GMOs and transgenic organisms
  • Pros/Cons
  • Human Genome Project, Gene therapy, Stem cell research, Cloning

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Model 5 Remediation

Visit our website and work on Model 5 Remediation for notes and practice questions before retesting.

You should check PowerSchools or your test tracker to see which ones you should work on.

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Edpuzzle EOC Bonus Review Due 5/21 (Mon)

Join Reyna’s Class with your own Account using a name I can understand- NO SHARING! Individual grades only!

CLASS CODE: buwzoeg

**Bonus Points will be awarded on videos where you score above a 50%

**More videos completed = more points

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Review Day

  • Complete the vocabulary word associations and 10 drawings
  • Complete 6.1 and 6.2 quiz remediations
  • Notebook check tomorrow
    • 6.1 Mitosis Lab notes
    • Mitosis and Meiosis Foldable
    • Model 6 Review Vocab

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Model 6 Vocabulary-Define and draw a picture

  • Homologous Chromosomes
  • Crossing Over
  • Independent Assortment
  • Gamete
  • Somatic cell
  • Diploid
  • Haploid
  • Chromatin