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Plain Language & Accessibility

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


  • Why plain language
  • How to apply plain language
  • Plain language and other languages
  • Resources

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Why Plain Language

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Currently, 45, 000, 000 adults in the US can’t read above a 5th grade reading level.*

*Source: Literacy Project

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


It’s also the law: Plain Language Act of 2010 requires federal agencies to use clear communication the public can understand and use �

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Plain language helps everyone. Those:

  • With different cognitive abilities
  • Relying on audio to listen to text
  • Speaking English as a second language

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Plain language is a WCAG AAA requirement.

Between 6 and 8 grade reading level after removing:

  • Pronouns
  • Titles
  • Supplemental content

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How to do it in 3 (big) steps

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Step 1

�Test your content with a readability tool (Hemingway App, Readable.io, or Flesch-Kincaid)

Tip: Remove proper nouns, titles, domain-specific language. And you need to test at least 10 to 100 pages to get an average reading level.


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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Step 2

Do a manual review. Use our quick guide to plain language

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Plain Language & Accessibility.


Step 3

Test with humans

  • Tree testing
  • Ask users to read aloud*
  • Ask users to paraphrase

We’ll have templates soon. Stay tuned!

�*You can also try MS Edge’s “immersive reader” function


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Non-english Languages.


Overall readability score = language with the worst score. *

  • Resources and readability tools are limited.**
  • Focus testing with low-English proficient users

Tip: A good readability score in English is strong indicator of quality of translation*

* according to WCAG AAA�**see Resources for tools + tips on testing in other languages


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Remember, plain language is not only about the words on your page.

Other ways to make your content more understandable*:

  • Audio
  • Sign language

*consistent with WCAG AAA guidelines

Plain Language & Accessibility.

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Plain Language & Accessibility.

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Other Languages.