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Entrepreneurial ideas of Jõhvi Vene Basic school students of material recycling

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The course of the event

  • Each class prepares two costumes:
  • 1.Suit made of used materials,
  • 2.old thing that might be fashionable now)
  • And prepares the performance (music, a story about a costume, a fashion show).
  • After watching the show, a winner is selected.

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Theatrical costumes for the school theater

Costumes made from old clothes

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Theatrical costumes for the school theater

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Theatrical masks for the school theater

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Theatrical masks for the school theater

Made from old paper and glue

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Theater model

Theater layout made of cardboard boxes and paper

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Bridge model

Model of a bridge made of metal scraps, wire and paper remnants

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Recycled picture

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Сentipede made by Marianna.jvp from old newspapers and glue.

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Model of a house under construction from foam plastic and old slats

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Plane model made of cardboard

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Boat model made of cardboard

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Candlestick made from tin cans

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Other products

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Lighthouse from cardboard

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Thank You!