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Good Judgment & Self Control

February CE Trait - Kinder

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What is Good Judgment?

Good judgment means stopping to think...

  • Is this a good idea?
  • Will doing this get me in trouble?
  • Do I need to ask for help?

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Think about the story.

Did Goldilocks use good judgement?

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What is self control?

Self control means making safe, respectful and responsible decisions.

It takes self control to...

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Is this Self-Control?

There is one cookie left in the bowl. Your Mom isn’t watching you, and you want it. You check over your shoulder and quickly reach up and snatch the cookie!


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Is this Self-Control?

You go into the Pantry to get a snack after school. You see Oreos and a bag or chips next to oranges and apples. You decide to eat an apple because it’s healthier than cookies and chips.

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Is this Self-Control?

You need bubble wrap to keep the pot you are sending to your Grandma safe in the mail. You take the roll of wrap when your mom isn’t watching and pop all the bubbles. Maybe she won’t notice?


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Is this Self-Control?

You have a big test tomorrow. You know you should study, so you tell yourself that you can play for 30 minutes first. When the 30 minutes is up, you think, “just a little longer,” and keep playing.


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