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Reception Newsletter

Week Beginning: Monday 12th September 2022

Our central idea:

People Learn and Care for Others

Next week our focus text will be

Learning about our Learner Profile Attribute of being ‘Principled’. We relate this to the character ‘Zog’. We will be learning how to be integrated members of our school community and what it means to be ‘Principled.’ We will be learning how to follow our class routines and settle into school life.


We will be learning the codes /s/ and /a/ and the sounds they make. We will be learning how to apply this into reading and writing by reading and writing words containing the sounds.


We will be learning the 1:1 principle where we touch every item we count. We will also be learning how to subitise (instantly identify) up to three objects and recognise amounts in larger sets of objects.


We will be learning how to hold a tool for writing. We will be writing the words taught in our phonics sessions as well as writing our names.


We will be learning about being Principled in many different ways. We will be learning through the story ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson.

Important Dates and Events for this term.

Thursday 29th September 2022: EYFS Yoga session. Please ensure your child is wearing their P.E. kit on this day!

Monday 17th October 2022: 2.15pm-3.00pm Stay and Play Session. We kindly ask that siblings do not attend this event.

Messages for the week.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named!

Our Outdoor Learning Sessions will take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Our P.E. sessions take place on a Wednesday morning.