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Ready, Set, Research!

Susan Bowdoin & Terri Gaussoin

Albuquerque Public Schools

Teacher Librarians

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The Reader Boogaloo

I’m a reader, and I’m here to say

I read different genres, and that’s OK!

I read for facts and I read for fun

I read all the books, and I love each one.

Fiction books, nonfiction books, and digital, too.

Doing the reader Boogaloo!

Words by Terri Gaussoin

Based on PreK GLAD Guided Oral Practice Strategy

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Three Ways To Read

There are three, three, three ways to read

There are three, three, three ways to read

Pictures, words, and memory

Pictures, words and memory

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From the very beginning our readers learn:

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Fiction/Nonfiction Text Pairings

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Nonfiction Song (to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Nonfiction tells me facts, tells me facts, tells me facts

Nonfiction tells me facts, so I can know.

It tells me what things ARE,

what they HAVE, what they CAN.

Nonfiction tells me facts, so I can know.

Words by Terri Gaussoin


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Words by Susan Bowdoin


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Researchers ARE...

Nonfiction tells me facts . . .

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Researchers ARE:




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Researchers CAN...

Nonfiction tells me facts . . .

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Researchers CAN:

Wonder & Explore

Think Critically


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  • What’s happening in this picture?
  • How do you know?
  • What else can you find?

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Researchers HAVE...

Nonfiction tells me facts . . .

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Researchers HAVE:

Drive/desire to know more

Information to share

Sense of organization

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The Researcher Song (to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

When I research, I begin

By asking questions: Who? What? When?

Information I will find,

Credible sources are the best kind.

Then I share with everyone

Once my research is all done.

Words by Susan Bowdoin & Terri Gaussoin


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Guided Practice

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Independent Practice

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Sharing with Others

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Intentional Moves in Our Lesson Design

  • Use of realia, visuals & text, music, movement, and rhythmic chants
  • Opportunities for hands-on exploration and options for sharing with others
  • Modeling and practice with identifying fiction/nonfiction
  • Guided and scaffolded use of technology

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What questions can we answer?

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Contact Information

Presentation : https://bit.ly/2CEwARR

Susan Bowdoin


Mitchell Elementary




Terri Gaussoin


Janet Kahn SIA


