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Writing Plans

Set reasonable, measurable goals. Even if you’re not writing to someone else’s external deadline, give yourself your own deadline and treat it seriously….

Divide and conquer. View your writing project not as an overwhelming monolith, but a compilation of many smaller items….

Create a plan of ordered tasks. Writing down tasks in the order in which they should be done keeps you focused...

Select dates and stick to them...choose a date on your calendar for beginning your writing project. Make it today. You’ll be surprised by how much more quickly you’ll work with deadlines ...

Work backward. The most important step in planning the time for your writing project is this one: On your calendar, mark the [essay’s final due date...Then figure out when each of the specific items, in reverse order, must be completed if you are to meet that deadline. Allow a little wiggle room in your calendar for the delays that inevitably happen” (para. 26-30)

This exercise will help you

  • create a thoughtful plan for writing a variety of projects
  • strengthen your time management skills
  • strengthen your organizational skills

Tip: you can use this writing plan template for any project or assignment. Adapt it to fit your needs.

Source: Freese, C. (2014, December 2). How to develop a writing plan. Writers Digest. Retrieved from http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/there-are-no-rules/how-to-develop-a-writing-plan

Need help organizing your workload for an upcoming essay? Create a writing plan. Use Freese’s (2014) writing planning:

Learning through Writing