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How to Speak Shamn

By Ewan Lester

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What is Shamn?

And why should YOU learn it?

Shamn is one of my constructed languages, or conlangs. It is an artlang, aka artisitic language. Artlangs are made for fun or for a project, like Shamn. Artlangs are less restrictive than other conlang types. Shamn’s “gimmick” is that it has no plosives, aka stops. That gives it a soft, easy to hear - and speak - feel.

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This brings me great pain, but I must provide English examples for these sounds alongside the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription. Ew. 〈thing〉is how it is written, /thing/ is the IPA, and “thing” is the discostang English approximation.

/m/ “mat” 〈m〉 /n/ “not”〈n〉 /f/ “fly”〈f〉 /v/ “vat”〈v〉 /θ/ “think”〈th〉

/ð/ “that” 〈dh〉 /s/ “sat” 〈s〉 /z/ “zit” 〈z〉 /ʃ/ “shut” 〈sh〉 /ʒ/ “vision” 〈zh〉

/ɹ/ “rot” 〈r〉 /h/ “hit” 〈h〉 /j/ “yes” 〈y〉 /tʃ/ “chat” 〈ch〉 /w/ “wit” 〈w〉

/l/ “lit” 〈l〉

/a~ɑ/ “dog, fart” 〈a〉 /i/ “beet” 〈í〉 /u/ “boot” 〈ú〉 /e/ “hate” 〈á〉 /o/ “so” 〈o〉

/ʊ~ʌ~ə/ “but, book” 〈u〉 /ɛ/ “bet” 〈e〉 /ɪ/ “kit” 〈i〉

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Grammar - Pt. 1 - Terms

Perfective (PFV): an action that is viewed as one point in time with no internal parts

Imperfective (IPFV): an action that is viewed as having parts or happening over time

Genitive (GEN): basically a possessive

Locative (LOC): related to the location of something

Nominative (NOM): marks subjects

Accusative (ACC): marks objects

SG/PL/Dual (DU): singular/plural/two of something

Conditional (COND): if …(COND, then…

Subjunctive (SUBJ): think of “maybe”

Imperative (IMP): a command or declaration, or similar

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Grammar Pt. 2 - Nouns




Nominative Singular









Nominative Plural




Accusative Singular




Accusative Dual




Accusative Plural




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Grammar Pt. 3 - Verbs (Tense/Aspect)











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Grammar Pt. 4 - Verbs (Modality)








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1st Person Singular


1st Person Dual


1st Person Plural


2nd Person Singular


2nd Person Dual


2nd Person Plural


3rd Person Singular


3rd Person Dual


3rd Person Plural


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Misc Prefixes

the: if consonant, e-; if vowel, r-

a: if consonant, a-; if vowel, l-

of: if consonant, á-; if vowel, n-

for: if consonant, i-; if vowel, v-

I/etc: if consonant, u-; if vowel, m-

to: if consonant, ú-; if vowel, z-

from: if consonant, o; if vowel, f-

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Other Stuff

Regular nouns (and adjectives) end in -l(vowel)

Regular verbs (and adverbs) end in -r(vowel)

Subject-Object-Verb word order

Adjectives follow nouns

Adverbs follow verbs

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Document Link

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Words! - Pt. 1 - Basics

aúne: I/etc for some sentences

elará: to be

shamn: people of the spirits

áúf: and

la: in

arí: to have

aús: get

ála: many

ile: it

ule: on

filá: with

nich: as

sorí: to do

vela/o: this/that

fola/o: here/there

nial: but

wili: by

ílá: or

rarú: hello (informal)

rárú: hello (formal)

úlí: all

sári: would

álí: like

ízri: say

malú: how

eli: place

elú: what

áori: so

nalu: up

húli: out

fila: good

molá: too

úr: yes

ru: no

ara: more

úl: then

sále: now

ízro: look

íúra: only

hora: come

úolí: over

hiru: think

súro: also

zhli: good

úslá: bad

ere: just

imra: to know

imla: knowledge

ílu: time

ífra: take

álí: person

úrá: into

múle: not

mola: some

áyra: could

chulá: sight

churá: to see

máchla: other

iímro: to go

aflá: because

ádhala: any

mearu: to give

úláre: most

azulí: back

lárili: after

merá: use

thurá: how

misro: work

huníla: first

yinara: well

mirale: way

mezhlú: even

vúalá: new

íyore: want

dhulo: day

dhalo: sun

shúlú: night

fasúlú: moon

zholu: away

hula: light

úrlo: dark/darkness

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Words! - Pt. 2

dhúra: to live

dhúla: life

dhúluzh: my life

dhúlám: your life

umúla: purpose

lúrí: to write

lúlí: writing (noun)

chorú: to love

cholú: love

áúlo: land

dhídhla: book

dhídhra: to read

núfira: to eat

núfila: food

yila: female (when used in certain situations, it is the suffix -yi)

molu: male (when used in certain situations, it is the suffix -mo)

miola: gender neutral as a specification (when used in certain situations, it is the suffix -mi)

áríaro: to speak

áríalo: speech

áríathle: language

áríadhlí: word

thílí: connection

thírí: to connect

sílá: crown

áíra: to run

chira: to walk

evúrú: to fight

samra: to hear

ranora: to feel

nolu: pride

noru: to be proud

uchíra: to joke

síála: stupid

úiri: to pursue

zoírú: to press, to continue to press a point

zúáro: to ask, to question

zúálo: question

imíla: to perceive

walro: to disagree

welri: to agree

chúamlo: to argue

íúloli: false

úlúlí: true

ríochro: to claim, to present an argument

zithrá: to convene, to meet

zithlá: meeting place

sháslú: color

zhiore: to create

íhilo: game

íhiro: to play

zhulú: wood

fárí: to carve

nosla: tree

iyálú: written character

futhre: to make a decision

wálú: idea

írola: house

zala: metal

úwadhro: to derive

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Words! - Pt. 3

ránelo: ancestor

úemílo: tea (from tea leaves)

elaílo: herb

elaúemílo: herbal tea

úemíhúlo: green tea

úemíaelo: black tea

úemíaálo: white tea

namnalo: spirit

chilo: inside

cholo: inner

úemíamránelo: ancestors of the tea spirits

názhro: to pray to, to call upon

názhlo: prayer

názhálí: pray-er

emníro: calm

emnaro: calmness

úhásro: to bring

úhásaúre: to bring to someone/thing

imori: to hope

imoli: hope

imoálí: hoper

lurerí: to lie

lulelí: lie

luleálí: liar

zuzrú: to wish

zuzlú: wish

zuzálí: wisher

lechirzholi: magic bean buyer

uruthero: to pretend

urutheálí: pretender

lúmorí: to sit

uhíchla: fire

iíromli: gold

iíramli: golden

waihro: to tell a story, or stories

waihlo: story

sízre: to dream

sízle: dream

sízálí: dreamer

iíramlisízlu: golden dreams, desert

fívúli: flax golden

názlú: river

othalo: base, foundation

otharo: to provide a base for something

thalí: horse

iáthele: work

iáthere: to work

luwashre: to set

úrá: to paint

úlá: paint (noun)

iloylu: school

zeri: to learn, specifically something new

dhelú: glass

dherú: to blow glass

áeralo: great

foúnlí: hall

úarolí: mountain

ithalu: east

athuli: west

vaílo: sea

yiuthlo: hand

lanra: to retrieve something of value

lanla: something of value

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Words! - Pt. 4

lothlí: wheel

theonlá: hard, tough

lethlí: iron

thathlo: coal

volethli: copper

lemle: clay

thozlo: foreign axe

thenthslá: pickaxe

esvro: to sort

emlí: big

áchla: small

uzhrí: to own

ríuslo: dedication

azhuli: tragedy

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Numbers & Colors


-sho: ordinal

fale: one


holí: three

marulú: four


saámlu: white

aelorelu: black

oníchlo: red

avidhlú: orange

húmalo: yellow

húwavelo: yellow-green, matcha tea color

waveflo: green

thárilí: blue

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Thanks for Learning!